there is no 64-bit Jet (MS Access) OLEDB driver.


Paul Clement

¤ I will do an XML, but I have NO experience w/ them.
¤ My table is application, type, name, sql text, with the key being
¤ application, type, and name.
¤ How would I setup the XML to have those keys so I can find what I need,
¤ or is that possible?

See if the following helps:

What's New in System.Xml for Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0 Release

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)


MDB has been depcreated for a decade

go back to preschool if you're still using MDB for anything


who cares, the jackass should learn BCP, CSV files
and stop using Access

anyone using Access for anything-- in the year 2007-- when all major
vendors have a freeware solution-- anyone using MDB for anything
should be fired and then spit upon


I want to thank everyone's help on this. I ended up pulling the data out
of access into an XML and then load the XML into SQL. Now, instead of
sending the access DB I just send the XML.


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