


I have my web site the way I want it on my computer and I'm ready to put it up to the web. When I upload it to the web, the themes are all lost and there is no link bar. I've made sure to create all the folders on the server as sub directories like they are in Front Page, and I have uploaded all the files into those directories, still, there is no theme nor nav. Bar. The web site is if you'd look at it and tell me where I've gone worng, I would be so greatful



You will have to make sure the FrontPage Server
Extensoions are installed. Make sure you are Pubilshing
this up and not FTPing.
-----Original Message-----
I have my web site the way I want it on my computer and
I'm ready to put it up to the web. When I upload it to the
web, the themes are all lost and there is no link bar.
I've made sure to create all the folders on the server as
sub directories like they are in Front Page, and I have
uploaded all the files into those directories, still,
there is no theme nor nav. Bar. The web site is if you'd look at it and tell me
where I've gone worng, I would be so greatful.

Stefan B Rusynko

Your pages have malformed html - too many body & head tags

Start again and Do not edit the html unless you understand what you are editing


| Hi,
| I have my web site the way I want it on my computer and I'm ready to put it up to the web. When I upload it to the web, the
themes are all lost and there is no link bar. I've made sure to create all the folders on the server as sub directories like they
are in Front Page, and I have uploaded all the files into those directories, still, there is no theme nor nav. Bar. The web site is if you'd look at it and tell me where I've gone worng, I would be so greatful.
| Thanks,
| Garry

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