The Wait is Over!



Ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron, is available now! That said, there's so much
demand, the servers are a bit busy so you might want to wait a few days
more before downloading it.



Dear Alias,

I Was Unable 2 get Any Of The Download Mirrors 2 Work At A Decent
Speed, So In The Mean Time I Have Returned 2 Both X64 Winodws Vista SP1 RTM
And X64 Windows XP SP2 RTM, Just FYI. From: Alias #2, Just FYI.

Bill Yanaire

Alias said:
Going somewhere?


How about YOU going on that 6 nation tour with all those stupid Ubuntu CD's
to pass out to the people who don't know any better?

Friends don't let friends use Ubuntu!

Bill Yanaire

Milt said:
I thought this was the Vista newsgroup? Who cares about Ubuntu?

Only a few retards in this group like Ubuntu: Alias, Ray, Kevpan and a few
other morons.

Bill Yanaire

Dear Alias,

I Was Unable 2 get Any Of The Download Mirrors 2 Work At A Decent
Speed, So In The Mean Time I Have Returned 2 Both X64 Winodws Vista SP1
RTM And X64 Windows XP SP2 RTM, Just FYI. From: Alias #2, Just FYI.

So you are the Alias#2 retard? Of course you were unable to download
anything. You can't. Don't know how! What an idiot


Alias said:
I'm typing from it right now ;-)

So You Are Using Ubuntu To Its Fullest Capacity? Just FYI

That Is Amazing. I Didn't Know Ubuntu Could Do All That. Just FYI

I Am Proud To Be Alias #2. Just FYI



Bill Yanaire said:
How about YOU going on that 6 nation tour with all those stupid Ubuntu
CD's to pass out to the people who don't know any better?

Friends don't let friends use Ubuntu!

Funny you say that. In the middle of last year, some friends asked about
Vista. Since I hadn't yet run it myself, I said I am not sure but does not
appear people are impressed. So I would recommend XP. They have Vista, but
don't like it. My credibility is intact.

If they want, going to offer Ubuntu. Shrink the partition and add it in.


Bill said:
Friends don't let friends use Ubuntu!

I'd say Vista, but I actually like my friends.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


Bill Yanaire said:
Well then maybe they should be using XP

You mean buy a second OS for the same machine.

GM would like that, buy 2 cars so you could drive one.



Ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron, is available now! That said, there's so much
demand (9 unsuspecting people), the servers are a bit busy so you might
want to wait a few years more before downloading it. Here's a preview:


But I suspect quite a few users. The download mirror I used is not well
known, has a 1GB pipe. Was 91% used. At the speeds I was getting, and I
have a good pipe, 10MB to myself, I would estimate 1000 downloads were
happening. And this is only one site of many. It also does not include
bit torrents which I suspect would have been faster. So even by a
conservative estimate, hundreds of thousands of copies will out today.

Ubuntu actually got glass right and fast. The current window focus is
solid and the others are glassed. Copies files so fast....I had to run
check sums to be sure.

Make fun of Ubuntu and OpenOffice if you like...but they be going places.

Bill Yanaire

Canuck57 said:

But I suspect quite a few users. The download mirror I used is not well
known, has a 1GB pipe. Was 91% used. At the speeds I was getting, and I
have a good pipe, 10MB to myself, I would estimate 1000 downloads were
happening. And this is only one site of many. It also does not include
bit torrents which I suspect would have been faster. So even by a
conservative estimate, hundreds of thousands of copies will out today.

Ubuntu actually got glass right and fast. The current window focus is
solid and the others are glassed. Copies files so fast....I had to run
check sums to be sure.

Make fun of Ubuntu and OpenOffice if you like...but they be going places.

Oh yea they are going places. I guess the gutter is a place


Milt said:
I thought this was the Vista newsgroup? Who cares about Ubuntu?


Some do.

Assuming that Ubuntu is as much as half of the installed Linux base, that
translates to about 40,000 Ubuntu users world-wide.

That's roughly equal to members of the Coast Guard that have tattoos and
over twice the population of Pflugerville, Texas, but nowhere near the
citizenry of Beaumont.

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