The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.



I have the following code:

Line 35: Dim sURL As String = ""
Line 36: Dim data As Stream =
Line 37: Dim reader As New StreamReader(data)
Line 38: Results = reader.ReadToEnd()

I get an error on Line 36, Exception Details: System.Net.WebException:
The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote

The stack trace is below:
[WebException: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect
to the remote server.]
System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(String address)
AtomzSearchPOC.Result.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

Any help on resolving this issue would be appreciated

Nick Malik [Microsoft]

Google, and many other sites, will reject a connection from an app that
doesn't identify the browser that is connecting to it. There are a few
headers that you really should put on the request if you expect Google to
think that you are hitting from a browser. Try putting in a UserAgent
header, and experiment with other headers as well.

--- Nick Malik [Microsoft]
MCSD, CFPS, Certified Scrummaster

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this forum are my own, and not
representative of my employer.
I do not answer questions on behalf of my employer. I'm just a
programmer helping programmers.

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