The SP3 and SP2 problem in excel


Tom Qin

Hi, we have a excel file, and when we open it in SP3, it would show 'File
error: Data may have been lost'. But in SP2, it's ok. And all data didn't
lost in SP3.

I have tried it on about 20 pc installed SP3 and SP2. Same problem happened.

Please help!

Jon Peltier

One thing that might help (might not, but it only takes a couple minutes to
try). Close applications and clean out the temp directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp

Remove any *.exd files from this directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\Jon Peltier\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms

Reboot Windows, and try again.

- Jon

Tom Qin

It can not work. Same problem happened after changing.
One thing i haven't mention is the source excel is excel8.0 format.

Jon Peltier

Excel 8.0 is Excel 97. Excel 97 through 2003 have used the same file format.

When the file opens in SP3, is it okay? Or have you got broken external
links or missing worksheet controls or shapes? These are additional symptoms
that are sometimes associated with the error.

There seem to be substantially more complaints than remedies. One remedy is
what I suggested before, another that might help is reinstalling the SP.

- Jon

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