The QuickMenu Pro



I asked on this list last week about dropdown menu's and I found a company
called Open Cube inc who produce a software package called The QuickMenu
Pro. I downloaded their free trail and it looked great but I'm having
trouble understanding how to install the file into my FP2002 pages. They
have an email tech support but I think they're still going to school to
learn how to read as they are rather slow in responding. Seems like I've
found another company who has a great and fast pre-sales system but
everything then stops. My reason for posting is that I was hoping FP user
and fellow webmaster uses this product and could help me out by answering a
couple of email questions. If such a kind person exist could they please
email me at (e-mail address removed). Thanks in anticipation. Fred

Tom Gahagan

Or... could be his mother died or he might be in the hospital... or his son
might have been in a wreck and near death. You never know.

Don't be so quick to be unfair. How many products are you selling and trying
to support? How many web site clients do you have that you are working your
ass off trying to make them happy? Would you want them to talk about you
like you have this person?

Best to you......
Tom Gahagan


HI! check this one out. I use it.

The guy that moderates the forum is always quick in responding ( within a
day or two maximum ) and is very friendly. the program is in my option
incredible coming from just one person. not only can you create topbar drop
down menus but side ones that actually follow you as you move down the page.

There are a multitude of options that you can use or disable as you wish.
and you can insert your on scripts. and you can make the menus look like
anything you want using images of your own creation. this program IMHO is
more than just a menu program. its beyond that in the last version.

the only weak point that this prog has is that he is a little slow on new
versions. ( due to the fact that he is only one guy). but when he does it

there is a trial version that you can download to check it out.

You can check out what I did as I did do something that you will not see in
any of the examples. I pushed one feature to the limit.
go into the menus and you will see what appears to be a sliding panel. ( but
its not) . and I did not have to use any script IN or OUT of the program
to do it either. below is the link.



Thank you for trying to help. Your site looks great. I'll try your
suggestion - even though it's a one man band, as I think and
their Quick Menu Pro is also a one man band outfit but the problem is he's
obviously away on vacation spending my money.


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