The page cannot be displayed



I am having a problem getting to one site, only one site and it is driving me crazy. I know the site is up, I'm getting e-mail from them but I can't use the links or any other links or type the address into the bar. I always get the 'page cannot be displayed'. There's nothing wrong with my Winsock, I ran Spybot, I don't have the QHosts virus, I just don't know what to do. Can anybody please help me?


If you don't mind my asking -- how do you know the site
is up? Getting e-mail has virtually nothing to do with
websites. (Their domain can work perfectly well while
their website is complete toast.)

You might just try again in a few hours. If they are
having a hosting problem, they may be fixing it.

But if the site is coming up on another computer and just
not yours, then you do have a problem. Do you have anyway
to check that? What is the site you are trying to get to?

-----Original Message-----
I am having a problem getting to one site, only one site
and it is driving me crazy. I know the site is up, I'm
getting e-mail from them but I can't use the links or any
other links or type the address into the bar. I always
get the 'page cannot be displayed'. There's nothing
wrong with my Winsock, I ran Spybot, I don't have the
QHosts virus, I just don't know what to do. Can anybody
please help me?


Hmm, well I just tried it and it worked just fine. I can
tell you that the page is a .jsp page, which I'm guessing
is Javascript.

Try this -- go to Internet Options, Advanced. Look
for "Enable third party Browser extensions" and make sure
it is checked. Then look for the section on Java, I have
one called Microsoft VM under which I have only "JT
compiler for virtual machine" checked.

Got no idea, but it's worth a shot.

-----Original Message-----
the site is yes, I've tried on
other computers and I have no problem, I know it's just
my computer. I'm being blocked somehow but I don't know
how or why.


I finally figured it out!!!!!!!! I found the Hosts file and I opened it and was listed there. I deleted the entry, and voila!!!! The page actually opened. It's not like it's a life or death situation that I absolutely had to go to the website, but it just bugged the crap out of me that I couldn't get there. So just thought I'd let you know that I found out why I was blocked and in case you have the problem in the future, check your Hosts file. thanks for your help, I do appreciate it.


That is the problem I am having....only 3 sites and Yahoo Fantasy Hockey and my team
site...."Cannot be Found" No problem on other
computers....have not found any visible IE privacy or
security blocks....Norton Anti-virus is up to date?


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Larry said:
That is the problem I am having....only 3 sites and Yahoo Fantasy Hockey and my team
site...."Cannot be Found" No problem on other
computers....have not found any visible IE privacy or
security blocks....Norton Anti-virus is up to date?


Check for a file named HOSTS with no extension (not Hosts.sam). It may be a
hidden file. Open it with Notepad and remove any line referencing the site.
Or, rename HOSTS to OLDHOSTS

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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