The Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Open The File



Give an error about not having permission to open file. The old computer
this Access 2000 database was on died. It was Win XP Pro. New computer also
has Win XP Pro. New machine works fine, installed Office 2000 etc. Put old
Hard Drive in new machine - it is recognized and can open all other files,
even other Access files, except one I need - customer database.

Get error - The Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Open The File ...
when I try opening from Access or by opening file

What can I do? Will restoring file from a backup work? I don't really want
to do that unless it is a last resort b/c backup is 2 weeks old


i looked at those sites but they are way over my head. I just help out the
user of the database - Access is not my thing at all.

I also get "It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need
permission to view its data."

Could it have to do with not having the smae username and login as the old

Van T. Dinh

It can be another sign of corruptions. I would recommend Tony Toews'
articles again.

Firstly, make a back-up copy of the database (even corrupted, at least you
can re-start the repairing process).

Few steps you can try:

1. Do a compact & repair on the database and see if it fixes the database.

2. Use JetComp.exe to repair the database.

3. Create a blank database and import one object at a time from the old

Tony has detailed instructions on these steps.

If all fail, Tony lists a number of commercial database recovery services
that you can use.

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