The Excel Drawing menu Autoshapes stopped working.



The Excel (2002) Drawing menu stopped working. It will not allow me do any of
the routines in the menu. The Icons in the menus in the autoshape section are
all present but not not usable. I would like to find out what to do to get it
to work again. Thanks


I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a try. Locate the Documents
and Settings folder on your computer. From there, navigate to \Documents and
Settings\[Your User ID]\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel.

In this folder, you will find a file called Excel.xlb (it might have a
slightly different name depending on which version of Office you are running,
just look for anything with "Excel" in the name and a ".xlb" file extension.
This file contains your toolbar configuration. With Excel closed, delete
this file. That will force Excel to rebuild your toolbar configuration.

As I've said, I don't know that this will work, but it's worth a try.


Le: I sounds like your protection is on. Go to "Tools", "Protection" and
select "Unprotect Sheet". This should enable all of your tool bar functions.


Le: It sounds like your protection is on. Go to "Tools", "Protection" and
select "Unprotect Sheet". This shouldn enable all of your tool bar buttons.

Dave Peterson


#1. The worksheet is protected
#2. The workbook is shared
#3. Worksheets are grouped
#4. You have tools|options|view tab|Hide all Objects checked

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