The disk structure is corrupt and unreadable.



I did a re-install on my system when I purchased a new
MoBo, Proc etc. One of my partitions on a seperate HD.
(not the HD with the OS on it) Comes up with this
error: "The disk structure is corrupt and unreadable." I
can't find a refrence for this issue. Partition majic pro
still reads the label and file size but windows explorer
does nothing. Any sort of help would be appreciated!



Tom Montefusco

Try running a chkdsk /f /r on this drive.

Best regards,

Tom Montefusco

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Shenan T. Stanley

Steve said:
I did a re-install on my system when I purchased a new
MoBo, Proc etc. One of my partitions on a seperate HD.
(not the HD with the OS on it) Comes up with this
error: "The disk structure is corrupt and unreadable." I
can't find a refrence for this issue. Partition majic pro
still reads the label and file size but windows explorer
does nothing. Any sort of help would be appreciated!

Sounds like the hard drive is going bad.
Is this a separate partitioon on the same "drive" as your boot drive?

If so, consider backing up and checking the whole drive for errors with some
external software.

Does this article (found by searching the Internet) sound like your issue?

(NTFS is also the file system of choice for Windows XP, so some Windows 2000
articles apply to Windows XP as well.)

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