The appearence of a fraction



Usually when I type a fraction ie 1/2, excell would change it to look like
this ½ . Now when I type 1/2, it stays just like that. Can you help?


You could set this up with Tools | Autocorrect - just type 1/2 in the
Replace box and Alt-0189 in the With box, then click on Add. Alt-0189
means you should hold down the Alt key and type 0189 on the numeric
keypad. Now if you type 1/2 in a cell it will be changed to ½.

You can also change 1/4 to ¼ using Alt-0188, and 3/4 to ¾ using

Note that this will then affect Word in the same way.

Hope this helps.


David Biddulph

Are you sure that you're thinking of Excel, not Word? If so, which version
behaved like that?


I am using Excell 2007. It works in Word 2007 and was working in Excell 2007
¼ 1/4
These examples are from the same document but in different cells. The
document is saved as 2007-2003. I may have changed the save as along the
way. Can't remember and do not know if that would cause the change. Thanks,


OK, I'm an idiot. I figured it out. David you were partly correct. I
originally was using Word and then decided to copy and past the info to
Excell. Thank you for trying to help me. I also will try Pete's suggestion.
Thanks again

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