Textbox questions



2 questions, please:

1. Can I copy the contents of an ActiveX textbox on a
sheet to a textbox created from the forms toolbar?

2. Can I establish (in points) the top left corner of the
form's textbox, relative to the top left corner of the
form itself?



Yes to both.
1) Do you mean a textbox on a userform? Copying is straightforward:
UserForm1.TextBox1 = Sheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects("TextBox1").Object.Value
Forms toolbar does not allow me (in XP) to create a textbox on a sheet - If
you mean a textbox from the drawing toolbar, then to get the text (left side
of above equation) it would be:
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Text Box 1").TextFrame.Characters.Text
If it is indeed a Forms control (earlier version of Excel?) then it would be:

2) Again, assuming you are talking about a Userform, any control has a top,
left, height and width property that you can use to set size and position, in
points. You can do the same with Shape objects on a worksheet (including
both the forms controls and ActiveX controls, since both are "contained" in a

Tom Ogilvy

1. don't think you need to use copy. Just assign.

worksheets("Sheet1").Textboxes("Text Box 1").Text = _

If you run into problems with string length, then you can use the characters
method to transfer the string 255 characters at a time.

2. The activeX textbox is positioned relative to the top left corner of the
userform, so the top and left properties should do it.


Many thanks.

your answer to Q2 suggests that something I've been
looking at all weekend may be possible ... namely placing
an ActiveX textbox on a Userform

Q3 is that possible, and how?

Q4 if so, can I have both a standard textbox AND an
ActiveX textbox (both being the same size and
occupying the same position on the Userform) and
toggle between the two?


Tom Ogilvy

The textbox on a userform is an activeX textbox. You can place it there in
the VBE just like any other control.

You can't put a drawing toolbar textbox on a userform. You can have two
multiple acitvex controls on a userform in the same location and with the
same size and make only one visible at a time.


Thanks for clearing up my confusion.

Tom Ogilvy said:
The textbox on a userform is an activeX textbox. You can place it there
the VBE just like any other control.

You can't put a drawing toolbar textbox on a userform. You can have two
multiple acitvex controls on a userform in the same location and with the
same size and make only one visible at a time.

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