textbox names equal to variables




Simple question... I have a form with 3 textboxes : txt1, txt2,txt3

I have the names of those 3 textboxes stored in a db with their
cooresponding values.
txt1 , "test1"
txt2, "test2"
txt3, "test3"

My question is if I pull the 1st entry from the db, I read 'txt1' into a
variable 'x'. How do I then say x.text = "whatever" (so that I'm really
saying txt1.text = "whatever") I hope this makes sense and isn't too simple
of a question.

Morten Wennevik

Hi ar,

Well, you could loop through all your TextBoxes and grab the one you need.
Beware that the reference name cannot be used so you will have to store
'txt1' etc in either the Control.Name property or Control.Tag

string s = "txt1";
string t = "test1";
TextBox tb = null;
foreach(Control c in this.Controls)
if(c.Name == s)
tb = (TextBox)c;

tb.Text = t;


Hi Morten,

Thanks for the reply. For some reason when I run the code, I get 'Name' is
not a member of 'System.Web.UI.Control'

Any ideas? I know it's something simple....

Morten Wennevik

Well, you didn't specify web so I thought you meant Windows controls.
There is no Name or Tag property in the Web controls.

You may be able to overcome this by keeping the references in an array
along with their names, or something like that.

struct Item
public TextBox tb;
public string Name;
public Item(TextBox t, string s)
tb = t;
Name = s;

ArrayList list = new ArrayList()
list.Add(new Item(txt1, "txt1");
list.Add(new Item(txt2, "txt2");
list.Add(new Item(txt3, "txt3");

foreach(Item i in list)
if(i.Name == "txt1")
i.tb.Text = "test1";

PS! code is not tested

Cor Ligthert


Are you using VBNet or C#?
(Than I can make a little sample how to catch this easy).


Cor Ligthert


This little (tested) sample needs on a webpage three textboxes with ID
Test1, Test2, Test3

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim frm As Control = Me.FindControl("Form1")
Dim test() As String = {"Whatever1", "Whatever2", "Whatever3"}
For Each ctr As Control In frm.Controls
If Not ctr.ID Is Nothing Then
If ctr.ID.Substring(0, 4) = "Test" Then
DirectCast(ctr, TextBox).Text = _
test(CInt(ctr.ID.Substring(4, 1)) - 1)
End If
End If
End Sub
I hope this helps?


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