text zoom from Word


G. Doughty

I am trying to give a presentation that will highlight certain passages on a
Word document. How can I, first of all, insert the word document onto a
slide so that it looks like a sheet of paper with typing on it (when I tried
this in the past, the document went transparent and only the text showed on
the slide background, not the white of "paper")? Secondly, how can I make
it so certain passages look as if they are coming forward and being zoomed
in on at the click of the mouse? (sometimes see this technique used on the
news. We all know the most recent example of this.) Anyways, can you help
me out? Thanks so much. Also, I am always open to trying VB although not
very familiar with it.

G. Doughty

Echo S

G. Doughty said:
I am trying to give a presentation that will highlight certain passages on a
Word document. How can I, first of all, insert the word document onto a
slide so that it looks like a sheet of paper with typing on it (when I tried
this in the past, the document went transparent and only the text showed on
the slide background, not the white of "paper")? Secondly, how can I make
it so certain passages look as if they are coming forward and being zoomed
in on at the click of the mouse? (sometimes see this technique used on the
news. We all know the most recent example of this.) Anyways, can you help
me out? Thanks so much. Also, I am always open to trying VB although not
very familiar with it.

1. Getting the doc into PPT so it looks like a sheet of paper

Probably the easiest thing here would be to take a screenshot of the Word
document. Alt+Print Screen in Word to capture then CTRL+V to paste in PPT
will accomplish that. Or use a screen capture program such as SnagIt to do

Or use Insert/Object and select Create From File. Navigate to the Word
document. If the inserted document is transparent, try right-clicking,
choosing Format/Object, and making the fill color white.

2. Zooming in on the text.

I'd use a screen shot of the relevant passages and then animate those in
with a zoom. There may be other ways to do this, though, depending on your
version of PPT. Which version are you using?


In that case, in Word, I'd zoom in on the portion of the text that you want
to highlight and then take a screenshot of that.

Then I'd insert that image into PPT on the same slide with the existing Word
page (screenshot or inserted object) and set it come in on a "trigger." That
way you can just click the part you want to highlight, and the highlight
image will animate in.

http://www.echosvoice.com/triggers.htm has a basic tutorial on using triggers.

presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego http://www.powerpointlive.com

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