Text quality of JPEG export



I am using PowerPoint 2003 and am trying to find a way to enhance the quality
of text when "Saving As" a JPEG to avoid ragged edges. I made the registry
changes to export the slide at 300 dpi as recommended in other postings on
this site. The image quality is fine, but the text is jaggy. I do not want to
use a "third-party" software fix. Are there registry settings that can be
changed to enhance the text?

Steve Rindsberg

I am using PowerPoint 2003 and am trying to find a way to enhance the quality
of text when "Saving As" a JPEG to avoid ragged edges. I made the registry
changes to export the slide at 300 dpi as recommended in other postings on
this site. The image quality is fine, but the text is jaggy. I do not want to
use a "third-party" software fix. Are there registry settings that can be
changed to enhance the text?

No. If you've made the suggested registry change, you've done all you can, and
as you've discovered, PowerPoint 2003's text exports to bitmap are awful. Other
dodges that work; all need some sort of third-party solution because the first
party isn't going to the party.

- If you have a copy of PowerPoint 2000 around, you can use that instead.
Whoever "fixed" 2002 and 2003 hadn't been turned loose on it yet.

- If you have a screen capture utility, you can put the presentation in
screenshow mode and capture screens from what you see there.

- If you have Acrobat, you can print to PDF from PPT and Save As to PNG, JPG or
whatever you need from there.

- There's IrfanView, which is free for personal use and very inexpensive for
commercial use. www.irfanview.com You can toss bitmaps out of PPT at max
resolution then have Irfanview batch downsample them to the final needed
resolution in one shot. Works like a champ



I was hoping there would be a registry fix for this. I'm already using the
PPT to PDF to JPEG method and it works well, but I was wanting to be able to
go straight PPT to JEPG. Guess I'll have to wait for Microsoft to fix this

Regarding IrfanView . . . does it retain the text quality?

Steve Rindsberg

I was hoping there would be a registry fix for this. I'm already using the
PPT to PDF to JPEG method and it works well, but I was wanting to be able to
go straight PPT to JEPG. Guess I'll have to wait for Microsoft to fix this

Regarding IrfanView . . . does it retain the text quality?

Exporting at the max PPT2003 allows (by using the registry setting you've already
tried) and then downsampling to smaller files in IrfanView gives very nice results,
IMO. Comparable to what you'd get out of PPT2000 or what you'd see in screenshow
view in PPT itself.

Oh, and IrfanView's very lightweight; small download, it doesn't try to take over
your PC or any of that rot. It's a brilliant piece of work and it gets better
monthly. I'd have no worries about installing it on your computer.

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