Text file to Excel format



I have generated a report from the back end (oracle) which is in a text
format. like below(it actually comes in one line). But when i export to excel
format, I am getting the contents in different lines instead of one single
cell(the heading:activity log) due to which i am not able to user auto filter
in the ticket_number field. There will be more than 100 tickets, but when i
put filter it shows just the first ticket. Please help me out with this

Ticket_Number Activity_Log
162892 Actions Taken:
Have contacted the Development Team and they had said that it
will not consider languages other than English. When this reply was sent to
Jignesh, he said that it was not the case in other tickets(eg:

Next Actions:
I have contacted Murali again about the issue. He is currently
working on it.

Swetha R S
Initial Ticket Status: Assigned To
Status after Modification: Work In Progress

Jacob Skaria

The best solution would be to save this as a text file itself and then use a
macro to separate the contents using the belong keywords. (If you are
familiar with macros)

Actions Taken:
Next Actions:
Initial Ticket Status:
Assigned To
Status after Modification:

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Hi Jacob,

Thank you for your reply. can u please help me out with this macros. I have
not done this before.

Jacob Skaria

Would require a sample text file and the fields you need to extract to do
this..Do you have some other options in the export window like export as a
..csv ..

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How can i attach a text file in this discussion group. and i can take the
report in .csv file. but all the columns in the report comes in one column (A)

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