Text fields with numbers in .csv file




I'm programming an application that exports table data to a file with
extension csv with columns separated by seicolumns (or xls separated by tab).

The problem is that I have a field that holds a SSCC number (18 digit
number) that is handled as a text field.

When I open then file in Excel that field is converted to a cientific number
like 3,56E+17. And is not all, in fact the number stored in cell is
356000000200000000 when then number that is in original file (if I open it
with notepad) is 356000000200000013! It is rounding the number!

I tried to add an apostrophe before the number but it didn't solved te
problem too because it shows up in the field as part of the value, and that
create me problems when I have to compare ou print values.

Does any one knows a solution for this problem? Is there a char that I can
add before the field that Excel interprets as a text field but know that that
first char does not belong to the field value?

Pedro Gonçalves


If you record a macro whilst you Data>Get External Data>Import Text File,
you get the chance to specify the data type of the columns.



Hi Nick,

I don't see where I can define the type of each column.

I can define a all column formatted as text, but when I get data from
external it gets it already in cientific format, and with the numbers rounded.

If I add the apostrophe before the data field the field shows up as text but
with the ' visible. To convert the field I have to edit all of them one by
one. Just need to edit and Enter.

Pedro Gonçalves


In the wizard, when you see the list of columns, select the SSCC header. Now
change the datatype from General to Text.


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