Text field containing date to query within date range



I am running a query on a database I cannot modify.
A Text Field contains a string with a date format of "mm/dd/yy"
I need to display all records within a date range. The minimum and maximum
dates of the date range are also strings.
I've tried BETWEEN with no success.

Any and all suggestions are very much appreciated.

Marshall Barton

Kenz21 said:
I am running a query on a database I cannot modify.
A Text Field contains a string with a date format of "mm/dd/yy"
I need to display all records within a date range. The minimum and maximum
dates of the date range are also strings.
I've tried BETWEEN with no success.

Convert the strings to date values:

CDate(datefield) Between [start date AND [end date]


Thanks for replying Marshall,

I tried what you recommended and I get the following error message ...
"Invalid use of Null"

Marshall Barton said:
Kenz21 said:
I am running a query on a database I cannot modify.
A Text Field contains a string with a date format of "mm/dd/yy"
I need to display all records within a date range. The minimum and maximum
dates of the date range are also strings.
I've tried BETWEEN with no success.

Convert the strings to date values:

CDate(datefield) Between [start date AND [end date]

Marshall Barton

So, some records have a Null value in the "date" field?

Try this:

CDate(Nz(datefield,"1/1/3333") Between [start date] AND [end


Thanks again Marshall,

I forgot to mention that I am accessing this DB from an ASP .Net webpage.
It did not allow me to use the Nz( ), so I found the following to work:

IIf(IsNull(Project.Date),0,CDate([Project.Date])) BETWEEN #" +
ddlBeginDate.SelectedItem.Text + "# AND #" + ddlEndDate.SelectedItem.Text +

Thanks for pointing me in the correct direction.

Marshall Barton said:
So, some records have a Null value in the "date" field?

Try this:

CDate(Nz(datefield,"1/1/3333") Between [start date] AND [end

I tried what you recommended and I get the following error message ...
"Invalid use of Null"

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