text box outline



In my text box, I can click on the text and a square dotted blue line that
surrounds the text. I can then click on some other text and the same thing
happens. How can I remove the Blue line. It seems to be in the edit mode
but I have even saved it and locked it (protect) mode. Still has to blue
outline. Help! and Thanks

Terry Farrell

The dotted blue line is to show you the Text Box boundary for when you don't
have a printable formatted and View Text Boundaries are set to OFF. Does
pressing the ESCAPE key hide them? But they should clear when you move the
cursor elsewhere. If they don't disappear, it may be a bug with either your
graphics driver or printer driver. Try making sure that you have the latest
available drivers for both installed.

If you need more help, please let us know which versions of OS and Word you
are using and are they fully patched up to date?

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