Text at the top of a window (File, Edit, View etc...)



I am having a problem and seeking advice or help please.

It seems that in many of the windows I open up in wondows XP (Internet,
files, explorer, programs etc)....the text at the top of the window (File,
View Edit, Favourites, Tools, Help etc....) has a white box behind each one.
Is this a virus or known issue? I ran a virus scan with 3 different
softwares and nothign came up. Is there an error in my wondows registry or
something? Why does the text sometimeds appear to have a white box behind it?

I need help on plase fixing this, as it is aggrivating me and I am worried
that windows is corrupted or I have done something by accident and messed up
some files.

Anybody else having or had this same problem before?

Please post a reply if you can help or ofer some adice. Thanks


please disregard the spelling errors, I am pretty tired, and it is really
late. Sorry.

Ramesh, MS-MVP

This is caused by a wrong UserPreferencesMask registry value. See if
switching to Windows Classic, and then revert to Windows XP Theme helps.


Awsome, it seemed to have work, I just tried it. Is this a big issue, or is
ther naything wrong with windows, or is everything ok now. I have never had
that happen before. Thanks again for the help! I appreciate it

Ramesh, MS-MVP

You're welcome. This is a non-fatal problem, usually happens after applying
a custom theme.

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