Testing to see if windows application iis running


Mark \(InWales\)

Dear All

In my program I use (copied) code to start the good ol' trusty windows
calculator. How can I test to see whether the calculator is already running
and give the user a message box to that effect if it is or start it if it

(Office XP, XP Pro)

If calc.exe is running then
msgbox "Calculator is already running"
exit sub
'Code to start the calculator
end if

Any suggestions

Mark (InWales)

Ken Macksey


This is vb script code, but it runs in vba and will tell you if calculator
is running or not. It does run a little slow, but works.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "select * from win32_process" )

isrunning = False

For Each objProcess in colProcesses

If objProcess.GetOwner ( User, Domain ) = 0 Then

If objProcess.caption = "CALC.EXE" then
isrunning = true
exit for
End If

End If


if isrunning = true then
msgbox "Calculator is running"
msgbox "Calculator is not running"
end if



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