Test Printer for Colour/BW


Kieran H

Greetings all

I have a number of programatically created reports that are tastefully
coloured (I hope!)

I am very happy for them to print on colour if the users default
printer is colour.

However if they have a BW printer I would like the report to print in

How can I test for whether the default printer is colour or BW from
within Excel.

I'm guessing it will require an API call

Your thoughts would be appreciated


Kieran H

Kieran H


Thanks for replying - my master plan was to write a function that would
return a boolean (FALSE) if the users default printer was colour.

Then set the ActiveSheet.PageSetup.BlackAndWhite property to the return

Perhaps not world domination but its a start! :)

Kieran H


It certainly should be possible to determine if a printer is BW only from
one of the Printer_Info types.
Just wondering if it is worth it. If you send a colour print job to a BW
printer, doesn't the driver sort out the closest greyscale match ? Not sure
of quality of output.
Does this output (as above) differ much from setting BlackAndWhite to True
and then printing ?



OK, I have a class that will determine the colour mode. Let me know if you
want it.
However, I'm not sure if it returns the correct answer for an old dot matrix
printer that I have, all others (copier, fax, PDF, HP colour, HP black etc)
it returns the correct result.


Kieran H


Many thanks for your research, the class you described sounds exactly
what I need.

As for whether its worth it ?- It looks good on screen or printed in
colour but looks crap if printed in bw (the grey is too dark)

Poor code that still works may be criticised by my peers but with poor
presentation eveyone's a critic!

Thanks again



See below for code, lifted from Karl's Printer Info code to only return the
colour mode.


Kieran H said:

Many thanks for your research, the class you described sounds exactly
what I need.

As for whether its worth it ?- It looks good on screen or printed in
colour but looks crap if printed in bw (the grey is too dark)

Poor code that still works may be criticised by my peers but with poor
presentation eveyone's a critic!

Thanks again

----------- CUT ----

< Workbook code >
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim PrtInfo As cPrtInfo

Set PrtInfo = New cPrtInfo

MsgBox "Colour printer = " &
CStr(PrtInfo.ColorMode(FixPrinterName(ActivePrinter)) =
'Decide what to do

End Sub

Private Function FixPrinterName(ByVal ExcelPrinterName As String) As String
Dim OnMarker As Long

OnMarker = InStr(1, ExcelPrinterName, " on ")
If OnMarker > 0 Then
FixPrinterName = Left(ExcelPrinterName, OnMarker - 1)
FixPrinterName = ExcelPrinterName
End If

End Function
</ Workbook code >

< cPrtInfo.cls
'Based on code from Karl's PrinterInfo class
' *************************************************************************
' Copyright ©2001 Karl E. Peterson
' All Rights Reserved, http://www.mvps.org/vb
' *************************************************************************
' You are free to use this code within your own applications, but you
' are expressly forbidden from selling or otherwise distributing this
' source code, non-compiled, without prior written consent.
' *************************************************************************

' Win32 API declares
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory"
(Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

' Values used to define DEVMODE structure
Private Const CCHDEVICENAME As Long = 32
Private Const CCHFORMNAME As Long = 32

' Structure used to cache values
Private Type DevMode
dmDeviceName As String * CCHDEVICENAME
dmSpecVersion As Integer
dmDriverVersion As Integer
dmSize As Integer ' not exposed
dmDriverExtra As Integer ' not exposed
dmFields As Long
dmOrientation As Integer
dmPaperSize As Integer
dmPaperLength As Integer
dmPaperWidth As Integer
dmScale As Integer
dmCopies As Integer
dmDefaultSource As Integer
dmPrintQuality As Integer
dmColor As Integer
dmDuplex As Integer
dmYResolution As Integer
dmTTOption As Integer
dmCollate As Integer
dmFormName As String * CCHFORMNAME
dmLogPixels As Integer
dmBitsPerPel As Long
dmPelsWidth As Long
dmPelsHeight As Long
dmNup As Long ' union with dmDisplayFlags As Long
dmDisplayFrequency As Long
End Type

' Color enable/disable for color printers
Private Const DMCOLOR_COLOR = 2

Public Enum PrinterColourModes
Unknown = 0
End Enum

' Win32 API declares
Private Declare Function OpenPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "OpenPrinterA"
(ByVal pPrinterName As String, phPrn As Long, pDefault As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function ClosePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal hPrn As
Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "GetPrinterA"
(ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal Level As Long, pPrinter As Any, ByVal cbBuf
As Long, pcbNeeded As Long) As Long

' The data area passed to a system call is too small.

' Structure used to obtain the data from Windows.
Private Type PRINTER_INFO_2
pServerName As Long
pPrinterName As Long
pShareName As Long
pPortName As Long
pDriverName As Long
pComment As Long
pLocation As Long
pDevMode As Long 'DEVMODE
pSepFile As Long
pPrintProcessor As Long
pDatatype As Long
pParameters As Long
pSecurityDescriptor As Long 'SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
Attributes As Long
Priority As Long
DefaultPriority As Long
StartTime As Long
UntilTime As Long
Status As Long
cJobs As Long
AveragePPM As Long
End Type

' Member variables
Private m_DM As DevMode
Private m_PrtInfo As PRINTER_INFO_2
Private m_PrtInfoNull As PRINTER_INFO_2

' *********************************************
' Initialize/Terminate
' *********************************************
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub

'We are only exposing the Color capability of the printer, although you
'you can add more of the DEVMODE's members
Public Property Get ColorMode(ByVal PrinterName As String) As Long
Dim hPrn As Long
Dim Buffer() As Byte
Dim BytesNeeded As Long
Dim BytesUsed As Long
Dim slash As Long

'Zero out cached values
m_PrtInfo = m_PrtInfoNull

'Get handle to printer.
Call OpenPrinter(PrinterName, hPrn, ByVal 0&)

If hPrn Then
'Call once to get proper buffer size.
Call GetPrinter(hPrn, 2, ByVal 0&, 0, BytesNeeded)

' Size buffer and get printer data.
ReDim Buffer(0 To BytesNeeded - 1) As Byte
If GetPrinter(hPrn, 2, Buffer(0), BytesNeeded, BytesUsed) Then
' Fill local structure with data/pointers.
Call CopyMemory(pi2, Buffer(0), Len(pi2))

' Copy two sub-structure pointers.
m_PrtInfo.pDevMode = pi2.pDevMode

' Fill DEVMODE substructure
Initialize m_PrtInfo.pDevMode

End If
'm_GetPrinterError = 0 'clear error value
'ColorMode = Err.LastDllError
ColorMode = 0
End If
Call ClosePrinter(hPrn)
End If

ColorMode = m_DM.dmColor

End Property

'Helper functions
Private Sub Initialize(ByVal lpDevMode As Long)
' Just a simple copy to fill cache.
If lpDevMode Then
Call CopyMemory(m_DM, ByVal lpDevMode, Len(m_DM))
End If
End Sub
</ cPrtInfo.cls


Whilst you can send any valid printer name to the class, it only makes sense
to use the ActivePrinter.
However, if the user changes the printer in the printer dialog
(File>Print..), you have no way of knowing which printer they selected and
hence no way to determine it colour capability, as the dialog is only shown
after your code has run.
If printed from the print icon, then the code works as written.


Kieran H

Nick - understood and much appreciated

will get to get to grips with it later on today

Again, many thanks


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