Test if an element of array is empty


Ryan H

How can I test if .aryPartDes(2) has something in it? Note: PartInfo() is a
function, where it looks up the part number "UVOvercoat", and stores a 1 x 4
Range in .aryPartDes(2). If nothing is assigned to .aryPartDes(2) then I get
an error indicated below. Any ideas?

' formetco UV overcoat material
If chkUVOvercoat.Enabled And chkUVOvercoat Then
.aryPartDes(2) = PartInfo("UVOvercoat")
.aryPartQty(2) = .TrimSqFt * Val(tbxQuantity)
End If

' must have minimum $175 order each face: material + overcoat
ERROR>> If .aryPartDes(2) = Empty Then
If .TrimSqFt * (.aryPartDes(1)(1, 4) + .aryPartDes(2)(1, 4)) < 175 Then
.aryPartDes(1) = PartInfo("FormetcoMinPrice")
.aryPartQty(1) = Val(tbxQuantity)

Erase .aryPartDes(2)
.aryPartQty(2) = 0
End If
If .TrimSqFt * .aryPartDes(1)(1, 4) < 175 Then
.aryPartDes(1) = PartInfo("FormetcoMinPrice")
.aryPartQty(1) = Val(tbxQuantity)
End If
End If

Ryan H

I figured out what is was. Yes you are correct! I had tried that earlier,
but it didn't seem work correctly. It turns out I did not clear out the old
data from the array first by using the Erase method, thus my If...Then
statement wasn't working correctly.

Thanks for the help!

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