Terminal not showing in domain when searched



Hi everyone,

I'm sitting here with an HP printer connected to a local terminal via
parallel port. This local computer and printer are both in a remote location
from the server. Neither the printer or the local machine are showing in AD,
nor can they be seen from the server, even when searched throughout the

If I look at My Network Places on this local comp I can see all other
terminals and server in the network, but I just cant get this one searched
out and identified from any other terminal.

Any ideas? I guess you all know how much I would appreciate some help on

Dave T


I found that keeping the VPN connection and the Terminal Services connection
connected has proven to show the printer in AD and the terminals in the
remote site can also print to the printers here locally.

Anyone know of a way to work this without having to have both TS and the VPN
up and running locally?

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