Tempory Internet Files



I'm new to WindowsXP, from Win98SE. I use Windows Explorer to manage my
files and folders. When I try to access my TIF's, I can't expand my folder
beyond "Temporary Internet Files". I know there are more folders beyond
this, starting with Content.IE6, then a series of folders beyond that, but I
can't get to them!?! I have my settings in Tools / Folder Options set to
Show Hidden Files And Folders, but they're not there... Any ideas on how to
access them? I tried to look at them through Internet Options, but with the
same results. I'd really like to selectively remove just certain TIF's.
Any help would be appreciated.

Jim C

Try using the cmd prompt and navigate to the temp internet folder. Then use
the "attrib" command with switches -s -h /s to show system, hidden and
include sub-folders. Example attrib -h -s *.*/s


stu said:
I'm new to WindowsXP, from Win98SE. I use Windows Explorer to manage
my files and folders. When I try to access my TIF's, I can't expand
my folder beyond "Temporary Internet Files". I know there are more
folders beyond this, starting with Content.IE6, then a series of
folders beyond that, but I can't get to them!?! I have my settings in
Tools / Folder Options set to Show Hidden Files And Folders, but
they're not there... Any ideas on how to access them? I tried to
look at them through Internet Options, but with the same results. I'd
really like to selectively remove just certain TIF's. Any help would
be appreciated.
As well as selecting "Show hidden files and folders" you need to UNtick
"Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" (Apply).

DON'T FORGET - select "hide" for both options again when you've

Newbie Coder


No, you don't have to untick the system files/folders option. The Content.IE5 is
the one that's hidden & a '\' character at the end of Temporary Internet Files
path will show that folder (Content.IE5/Content.MSO). Then selecting it will
expose the sub-folders


I stand corrected. I know I had to access Content.IE5 and remember now
that I had to type:
C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USERNAME\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files\Content.IE5
in Win Explorer address bar and click GO


Sorry, should have added that OP was trying to use Win Explorer to see
I know that when I entered the path below, all I saw in Content.IE5 was
an index file. I had to show system files to see further sub-folders.

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