Temporary Internet Files



Recently, I looked in my Temporary Internet Files Folder and was surprised
to see over 27 000 files there. How come they accumulate? Aren't they
suppose to be deleted on turn off? Looks like there are hundreds of cookies,
too. How to clean this folder safely?
Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Thorsten Matzner

ilyaz said:
Recently, I looked in my Temporary Internet Files Folder and was surprised
to see over 27 000 files there. How come they accumulate? Aren't they
suppose to be deleted on turn off? Looks like there are hundreds of cookies,
too. How to clean this folder safely?

You can wipe the data manually from the folder or via the Internet
Explorer > Tools > Internet Options > Delete Files / Delete Cookies.
The data is erased automatically if you tick the corresponding option
in the Internet Options > Advanced > Security.


Thanks, Thorsten. Sure it does erase everything. Once I tried it and after
that had to restore manually all the automatic accesses to a dozen of
sites - banks, mail, subscriptions, etc. I hope there is some way to remove
the really temporary stuff and keep the cookies and other important files.

Thorsten Matzner

ilyaz said:
Thanks, Thorsten. Sure it does erase everything. Once I tried it and after
that had to restore manually all the automatic accesses to a dozen of
sites - banks, mail, subscriptions, etc. I hope there is some way to remove
the really temporary stuff and keep the cookies and other important files.

No. The Cookies, however, are deleted seperately and so you can empty
the Internet cache ("Delete Files") without deleting the Cookies.
You cannot make Cookies permanent, so that they are not deleted when
you wipe all the data. You have to erase all unwanted Cookies manually
for to do this.
Check if a Password keeper is helpful for you. You can then logon to
your password protected sites on an easy way and store the login data
in a safe manner.

Ron Martell

ilyaz said:
Thanks again for the detailed instructions! I appreciate your help.

One additional suggestion. If you have a high-speed Internet
connection then you should go into Control Panel - Internet Options
and click on the Advanced tab. Scroll down the list to the Security
section (near the bottom) and click on the checkbox for "delete
temporary internet files when browser is closed" to select it, then
click on Apply and OK as needed to exit.

You can also do this if you have a dial-up connection, of course, but
I do not personally recommend this because the t.i.f. does have some
performance value on dial-up connections.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP


Ron, thanks for the suggestion. However, I checked the Security and all
other sections, but there is no "delete temporary files" option. Sure, it
would be exactly, what I want ;)

T. Waters

I believe what you are looking for is on the General tab of Internet
It is the "Delete Files" button to the right of "Delete Cookies."

Ron Martell

ilyaz said:
Ron, thanks for the suggestion. However, I checked the Security and all
other sections, but there is no "delete temporary files" option. Sure, it
would be exactly, what I want ;)

Okay, My bad. The exact wording of the item is "Empty Temporary
Internet Files folder when browser is closed".

It should the 8th item listed after the Security header, right below
the item that reads "Do not save encrypted files to disk".

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP


I don't know why, but in my version, the 8th line after Security is <Enable
Integrated Windows Authentication>. And, as I said in my previous post,
nowhere in the Advanced tab (my version) there is anything about removing
temporary internet files... Sorry about this.

Ron Martell

ilyaz said:
I don't know why, but in my version, the 8th line after Security is <Enable
Integrated Windows Authentication>. And, as I said in my previous post,
nowhere in the Advanced tab (my version) there is anything about removing
temporary internet files... Sorry about this.
Not a problem. Your 8th line is #9 in my version. I will check with
some of the real experts in IE and find out what is going on.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP

Ron Martell

Ron Martell said:
Not a problem. Your 8th line is #9 in my version. I will check with
some of the real experts in IE and find out what is going on.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada

Here is a fix for it.
Go to http://windowsxp.mvps.org/ie/persistent.htm and download the
cache.reg file.

Save the file on your computer then right-click on it and choose

Thanks to MVPs Ramesh Srinivasan for the fix and Vincenzo Di Russo for
directing me to it.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP


thanks a lot for your help! I already downloaded it, added to the registry
and checked the box! Now I (and you, too!!!) may relax :)


Well, Thorsten, Ron and all other who may be reading this thread...
As I mentioned it earlier, I made a correction to my registry, added that
cleaning option in the Advanced, used this and that, but, for whatever
reason, files are not removed in the Temporary folder... They continue to
accumulate. The only way to remove them is to run Windows Local Disk Tools.
I'm at the end of my rope...
Thanks for your help.

Ron Martell

ilyaz said:
Well, Thorsten, Ron and all other who may be reading this thread...
As I mentioned it earlier, I made a correction to my registry, added that
cleaning option in the Advanced, used this and that, but, for whatever
reason, files are not removed in the Temporary folder... They continue to
accumulate. The only way to remove them is to run Windows Local Disk Tools.
I'm at the end of my rope...
Thanks for your help.

Are you getting crashes with Internet Explorer? Those will result in
files being left in the t.i.f.?

Are you shutting down the computer without first closing Internet
Explorer? Also are you using File - Close or just clicking on the x
in the upper right corner of the I.E. window to close it? That may be
a factor as well.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP


Ron Martell said:
Are you getting crashes with Internet Explorer? Those will result in
files being left in the t.i.f.?
No crashes so far, thanks God!
Are you shutting down the computer without first closing Internet
I do it both ways. Sometimes, I close by Start > Turn off, other times,
I close each window manually. Actually, it depends on how many windows are
open at the moment...

Also are you using File - Close or just clicking on the x
in the upper right corner of the I.E. window to close it?
Most of the times, I click X. But I promise you to try the "standard"
way of closing via File > Exit.
Thanks again for suggestions.

That may be

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