temporary internet files - where are they?



Could someone explain to me please where XP home keeps temporary internet
WHne I go to \documents and setting\owner\local settings\ temporary internet
files and look at properties, it tells me there are about 100,000 files
occupyung about 1.3 gig. When I go into the TIF directory, there are 840
objects displayed ( I have display hidden files on).Where are all the other

When I went into IE6 and deleted all offline content, most of the 840
objects in TIF were deleted as were nearly all of the 100,000 files that
were listed under Properties. What is the difference bewteen these offline
files and the other files deleted in IE6 (ie the files not offline)?

Carrie Garth

Replies inline:

| "inquirer" <[email protected]>
| wrote in message | Could someone explain to me please where XP home keeps temporary
| internet files?
| WHne I go to \documents and setting\owner\local settings\ temporary
| internet files and look at properties, it tells me there are about
| 100,000 files occupyung about 1.3 gig. When I go into the TIF
| directory, there are 840 objects displayed ( I have display hidden
| files on).Where are all
| the other files?

All the files are stored in the TIF folder. However, due to the way
that Windows Explorer displays the Temporary Internet Files folder for
the logged on user, you have to use another method to actually view
all the files. The easiest way to do it is to log on to the computer
using another account with Administrative privileges. Then you can
use Windows Explorer to view all the files in another users TIF
folder. Else, while logged in to your own account you can use the
command prompt (cmd.exe) and the dir command with the /a parameter
(dir /a) to display all the folders and files that are stored in your
own TIF folder.

| When I went into IE6 and deleted all offline content, most of the
| 840 objects in TIF were deleted as were nearly all of the 100,000
| files that were listed under Properties. What is the difference
| bewteen these offline files and the other files deleted in IE6 (ie
| the files not offline)?

Offline Content includes Web Pages that you have selected to Make
Available Offline. For more information about using Web pages
offline, see the Internet Explorer Help topic titled: Making pages
available for offline viewing.

Additionally, if you read the newsgroups using Outlook Express, when
you display a message in the Preview Pane it creates a temporary file
(for example wbk358.tmp) of the entire message in your TIF folder.
Once you stop viewing the message the *.tmp file is not deleted.
Instead, it is converted to a file with the name of a (sequential)
number in brackets (for example [1]), with a size of 0 KB, and a file
type of File. These files are also Offline Content.

BTW, if you go the command prompt route "Enabling file and directory
name completion" really speeds things up (since the TIF folder has
such an odd naming scheme). That way, all you have to type is the
first character of the folder name and press TAB, then the folder name
will be filled in. For more information about enabling completion
search the Help and Support Center for the words in double-quotes, and
then display the topic titled "cmd" and search for the phrase.

And for future reference, the IE6 experts hang-out in the following


If you read the newsgroups using the Microsoft Communities Web Page,
here is a link:

If you read newsgroups using a NNTP newsreader, such as Outlook
Express, and use the msnews.microsoft.com news server, here is a link:


Many thanks for your reply that cleared this matter up for me

Carrie Garth said:
Replies inline:

| "inquirer" <[email protected]>
| wrote in message | Could someone explain to me please where XP home keeps temporary
| internet files?
| WHne I go to \documents and setting\owner\local settings\ temporary
| internet files and look at properties, it tells me there are about
| 100,000 files occupyung about 1.3 gig. When I go into the TIF
| directory, there are 840 objects displayed ( I have display hidden
| files on).Where are all
| the other files?

All the files are stored in the TIF folder. However, due to the way
that Windows Explorer displays the Temporary Internet Files folder for
the logged on user, you have to use another method to actually view
all the files. The easiest way to do it is to log on to the computer
using another account with Administrative privileges. Then you can
use Windows Explorer to view all the files in another users TIF
folder. Else, while logged in to your own account you can use the
command prompt (cmd.exe) and the dir command with the /a parameter
(dir /a) to display all the folders and files that are stored in your
own TIF folder.

| When I went into IE6 and deleted all offline content, most of the
| 840 objects in TIF were deleted as were nearly all of the 100,000
| files that were listed under Properties. What is the difference
| bewteen these offline files and the other files deleted in IE6 (ie
| the files not offline)?

Offline Content includes Web Pages that you have selected to Make
Available Offline. For more information about using Web pages
offline, see the Internet Explorer Help topic titled: Making pages
available for offline viewing.

Additionally, if you read the newsgroups using Outlook Express, when
you display a message in the Preview Pane it creates a temporary file
(for example wbk358.tmp) of the entire message in your TIF folder.
Once you stop viewing the message the *.tmp file is not deleted.
Instead, it is converted to a file with the name of a (sequential)
number in brackets (for example [1]), with a size of 0 KB, and a file
type of File. These files are also Offline Content.

BTW, if you go the command prompt route "Enabling file and directory
name completion" really speeds things up (since the TIF folder has
such an odd naming scheme). That way, all you have to type is the
first character of the folder name and press TAB, then the folder name
will be filled in. For more information about enabling completion
search the Help and Support Center for the words in double-quotes, and
then display the topic titled "cmd" and search for the phrase.

And for future reference, the IE6 experts hang-out in the following


If you read the newsgroups using the Microsoft Communities Web Page,
here is a link:

If you read newsgroups using a NNTP newsreader, such as Outlook
Express, and use the msnews.microsoft.com news server, here is a link:

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