Template question/problem

  • Thread starter Glenn De Tollenaere
  • Start date

Glenn De Tollenaere

Hi all,

First: I modified normal.dot in such a way there are some
extra menu's (in the menubar). If I open Word or certain
existing documents, I get this menubar without any problem.

On the other hand: I have certain customized templates, eg
cust.dot in which preformatted text is entered. How is it
possible that if I open this template (or create a new
document using this template) the menu shown in Word is
the default one (in other words, my extra menu's created
in normal.dot do not appear) ?

In other customized templates I do not experience this
problem and the menu stays intact (so the extra menu's are

Does anyone have any idea why this is going wrong and how
I can solve this (modification of the customized template,
somewhere specifying something: on what template it is
based ???, other...) ? I don't have the slightest idea why
Word is ignoring the normal.dot.

Regards and thanks for any suggestion

Dayo Mitchell

Hi Glenn,

On this NG, there is a current thread called Disappearing Menus and Menu
Options Redux which seems to be about your exact problem. Read through that
thread, which did not solve the problem, but perhaps with two of you having
the same issue it will be easier to pinpoint the reason.


Charles Kenyon

I suspect your cust.dot template is not "ignoring" normal.dot but rather
overriding your customizations with its own. How you would have done this is
an open question. Probably the easiest way to correct it is to create a new
document based on cust.dot. Copy the contents, and formatting of that
document to a new document 2 based on normal.dot or some other template.
Save new document 2 as a template "cust2.dot". Use the Organizer to copy any
AutoText, styles and macros to cust2.dot from cust.dot. Rename cust.dot as
custold.dot and cust2.dot as cust.dot.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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