Temperature sensors: anyone a suggestion?



Because no tools are available (that I know... including Everest) that show
the temperature of an RAID array I am thinking about "sticking" a sensor to
the disk case and output the result e.g to a display...

does anyone have a suggestion?

many TIA

PS: this is a strange issue, since the disks are SMART compliant, if they
are alone then the temp can be read, but in a Raid array there is no info at
all!... although the Raid controller can very well identify each disk...

Eric P.

luis said:
Because no tools are available (that I know... including Everest) that show
the temperature of an RAID array I am thinking about "sticking" a sensor to
the disk case and output the result e.g to a display...

does anyone have a suggestion?

many TIA

PS: this is a strange issue, since the disks are SMART compliant, if they
are alone then the temp can be read, but in a Raid array there is no info at
all!... although the Raid controller can very well identify each disk...
The last few years I'm using SmartUDM to check at intervals the
temperature of each of the two harddisks in the RAID1 array on my computers.

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