TEMP Files - I now have bbassistant growing like mad and can't delete


Victor Warwick

Hello -

Can anyone help with this - I have a notepad log file in the TEMP folder
entitled " bbassistant " that suddenly appeared with a 4th of October date
and is enlarging daily. The text consists of 12 lines which are repeated
over and over, the first line is always : ------MCC Log file
initialized------ . My problem is that I cannot delete this text log, it
just refuses to be deleted. I believe it to be connected with my UK based
BT broadband, so I have tried to delete whilst disconnected but to no avail.
Is there any way to do this before it outgrows my system? By the way, I
carried out a System Restore to pre-date the 4th October and I have been
using BT broadband for many months so it is curious that this log has only
recently appeared.

T.I.A. Vic W

Victor Warwick

Eugene F. said:

To: Eugene F

Eugene, thank you for your contribution, I have viewed your link - but am
still mystified why this log has only appeared lately. I would still prefer
to delete some (if it would allow) before it reaches an "overstuffed
condition". Does anybody know how to do this? - when I try to delete some
of the text I am referred to a small window asking if I wish to save
changes, on my answer 'yes' I am then referred to another small window
titled Notepad, which states "Cannot create the
C:\DOCUME~1\Temp\bbassistant. logfile. Make sure the path and filename
are correct. " I then press OK which takes me to a 'save as' window or
cancel - so, all I can do is cancel which leaves me with the original
undeleted text growing like crazy. The following text is an example of the
repetitive log entry which has repeated 4 times in 10 minutes this a.m.

0/19/2006 09:35:06] ------MCC Log file initialized!------
[10/19/2006 09:35:06] Alert Test Entry
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] keys length 2
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] keyss : 0, type: CHORUS_UPDATE
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] keyss : 1, type: DATA_FETCH
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] haveDataFetch: true
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] Calling write install data:
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] Finished Calling write install data:
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] haveChorusUpdate: true
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] V2 is 9.1
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] NOT Showing chorus update
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] Alert Exit Code:0

I can't believe that the earlier entries are serving any useful purpose (now
history) so why can't they be deleted - I would like to hear from anyone
with a solutuion!

Thanks - Vic W

Victor Warwick

Victor Warwick said:
Eugene F. said:

To: Eugene F

Eugene, thank you for your contribution, I have viewed your link - but am
still mystified why this log has only appeared lately. I would still
to delete some (if it would allow) before it reaches an "overstuffed
condition". Does anybody know how to do this? - when I try to delete some
of the text I am referred to a small window asking if I wish to save
changes, on my answer 'yes' I am then referred to another small window
titled Notepad, which states "Cannot create the
C:\DOCUME~1\Temp\bbassistant. logfile. Make sure the path and filename
are correct. " I then press OK which takes me to a 'save as' window or
cancel - so, all I can do is cancel which leaves me with the original
undeleted text growing like crazy. The following text is an example of
repetitive log entry which has repeated 4 times in 10 minutes this a.m.

0/19/2006 09:35:06] ------MCC Log file initialized!------
[10/19/2006 09:35:06] Alert Test Entry
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] keys length 2
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] keyss : 0, type: CHORUS_UPDATE
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] keyss : 1, type: DATA_FETCH
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] haveDataFetch: true
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] Calling write install data:
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] Finished Calling write install data:
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] haveChorusUpdate: true
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] V2 is 9.1
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] NOT Showing chorus update
[10/19/2006 09:35:07] Alert Exit Code:0

I can't believe that the earlier entries are serving any useful purpose
history) so why can't they be deleted - I would like to hear from anyone
with a solutuion!

Thanks - Vic W