TcpListener with external/internet IP?



I have a test application that transfers files from a client to a
server. I've been locally testing this on my local LAN and it has been
working fine. However, when I try to transfer a file over the internet
(with the port opened up in the router, no firewalls), it never
connects. I'm thinking it is due to the TcpListener only binding to my
local LAN ip. I tried binding it to my internet IP manually and by
using gethostbyname(gethostname).addresslist(0) as well as using
ipaddress.any, but the client never connects to my machine. An error
occurs on the client's end saying it wasn't able to connect and timed
out, etc, etc.

Is there something I'm missing? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
in advance


Hello (e-mail address removed),

You have to tell your router to forward any incoming packets on port (whatever)
to your internal address. Check your router manual for NAT settings.



I've done that already. I have it forwarding both TCP and UDP even to
my internal IP.


Nevermind, it seems I overlooked a previous entry in my port forwarding
where I had used the same test port before and had it forwarded to
another machine on my LAN. Changed that, and works great now.

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