Tasks notes


Brian Tillman

virella-ruiz said:
How can I view the notes tha I have entered under each task from the
tasks list?

You can't. You must open the task in order to see the Notes pane.

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

Oops Brian. Um er. No.

This is possible and depends on which view you are in. You just need to
show the Notes field. If in the Tasks folder, it is easy, use the field
chooser to show the Notes field. Also in the TaskPad - same thing, add the

I hope this helps you at least a little bit!

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Outlook trainer and author of Productiv_IT with Outlook

read my articles here: www.judygleeson.com
Canberra, Australia

Joseph Joubert
To teach is to learn twice.

Brian Tillman

Judy Gleeson (MVP Outlook) said:
This is possible and depends on which view you are in. You just need
to show the Notes field. If in the Tasks folder, it is easy, use the
field chooser to show the Notes field. Also in the TaskPad - same
thing, add the field.

Well, I'll be hornswoggled. My eyes slide right over that when I had
looked. My glasses were smudged - yeah, that's the reason.

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