Tasks Issue between Vista Ultimate/Outlook 2007 & Axim X51V/WM5

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I upgraded to a new laptop with Vista Ultimate/Outlook 2007. Moved old pst
file fine from Outlook 2003. Had initial sync with WMDC with Axim X51v (WM5)
with no issues, errors, etc.

All changes are initiated on my PDA. Changes to calendar/contacts sync fine
and show up identical in Outlook 2007. Have an anomaly with Tasks. If I
create a new Task on the PDA, then sync, the date stays correct/the same on
the PDA, but if I check Outlook 2007 the subject Task is always one day off,
i.e., earlier. For example, if I create a Task on the PDA for February 21st,
2007 (start/end), sync, it will show up in Outlook 2007 as February 20th,
2007 (start/end). If I delete a task on the PDA it will be deleted in
Outlook 2007. Sole issue is date variance.

Not a big deal, with everything else have transitioned smoothly, but would
like a solution or explanation.

Thanks for your assistance and time.

I thought I was going crazy. I have the exact same problem. I am using
Vista Ultimate but Outlook 2003. I have an HP iPAQ hx2795. I've confirmed
this on my work and home computer. In my situation, if I create a task in
Outlook, it syncs to the correct date on my iPAQ. However, as you've stated,
a task created on the PDA appears as one day early. I have check the time
zones. I have installed the DST updates for Outlook 2003 and my PDA.

I have looked over every single one of my tasks to see if a setting was
commonly causing the problem like private or not, reminder set or not, start
date set or not. I just cannot figure this out.

Have you had any luck?

I don't know if this helps or not. Just another piece of information. I
noticed last night that a program I use was saving files with a time stamp 8
hours later than the time on my PDA.

So I tested it out this morning saving a test file in Mobile Word. Sure
enough, when I explore my PDA through Sync Center, the time stamp of the file
on my PDA is 8 hours in the future.

I tried another test on the tasks knowing this information. I set a task
last night late enough that the time stamp (if it stamps it 8 hours into the
future) would show up as the next day. I was wrong. When I sync'd up this
morning, the task still showed yesterday.

Looked like you might be onto something there.

I originally thought it must be WM5 and Outlook 2007, but since you are
running 2003, must not be Outlook. I wonder if it is WMDC?

I have submitted a help ticket with Microsoft through email to see if they
can figure it out. They wrote back and told me it was a bug in Outlook 2003
and I should upgrade to service pack 2. I responded I already have that.

So, I will keep you posted when and if they can come up with a solution.
Thank you. As my issue is with Outlook 2007, I fail to see how they can
claim 2003 is the problem.


I'm sorry I don't have better news. I have worked my way up the food chain
at Microsoft until I finally got someone who is a WMDC "expert". She had me
doing everything except standing on my head. We finally did a hard/clean
reset to erase everything and reset the device to factory settings. The
problem still existed. I even upgraded to Outlook 2007and still had the

As of today, she called me back and said no one else is having this problem
and we agreed to close the ticket as unresolvable.

However, I found a workaround but I'm not sure it will help you. I have
abandoned trying to sync this PDA at work AND at home. I sync it only at
work. Well, we have an Exchange Server. I stumbled on a feature in WMDC
that allows a partnership to be established with Microsoft Exchange Server.
I thought I would give it a try. BAM! Tasks now sync correctly, but only as
long as the PDA is syncing directly to the Exchange Server and then my
Outlook reads from the Exchange server.

I don't know what to make of this. WMDC is the conduit regardless of
whether I sync to the computer directly or to the Exchange Server. I am
still leaning toward there being an obscure bug in WMDC or perhaps Vista.

Wish the news was better but hopefully it might be of use to you.

Having the exact same issue. A few people have posted on this elsewhere but
no solutions yet. Have either one of you got the sorted yet (other than via
the work around which is not an option for me I'm afraid)?

Thanks for the effort/followup. I never received a notice that you had
replied and finally checked the tread manually and found your response.

No, I have just resigned myself to the situation for the time being. I tried
the same route/procedure as Pete and ended up in the same boat with
Microsoft, i.e., unresolveable.
Some good news. Found some software called PocketMirror Professional. You can
find it here: http://www.chapura.com/pmp_wm.php ($49.95 but worth it if you
use tasks as much as I do). It can take over syncing for Calendar, Contacts &
Tasks in place of WMDC (I am only using it for Tasks) but it works - dates
show up as they should completely seemlessly. You basically stop having
ActiveSync/WMDC deal with tasks and let this software do it. It's intended
purpose is to allow you to sync additional folders vs. the standard ones
allowed by ActiveSync/WMDC but it sorts this issue and that's all I needed.
They have a 7 day free trial so I suggest giving it a go.

One minor caveat though; follow the installation instructions closely. It's
not a big deal but you can end up create some dupes when you install it.
After that is seems to run fine.

$50 lighter in the wallet but it seems to solve the problem. Hope this helps.

db said:
Some good news. Found some software called PocketMirror Professional. You can
find it here: http://www.chapura.com/pmp_wm.php ($49.95 but worth it if you
use tasks as much as I do). It can take over syncing for Calendar, Contacts &
Tasks in place of WMDC (I am only using it for Tasks) but it works - dates
show up as they should completely seemlessly. You basically stop having
ActiveSync/WMDC deal with tasks and let this software do it. It's intended
purpose is to allow you to sync additional folders vs. the standard ones
allowed by ActiveSync/WMDC but it sorts this issue and that's all I needed.
They have a 7 day free trial so I suggest giving it a go.

One minor caveat though; follow the installation instructions closely. It's
not a big deal but you can end up create some dupes when you install it.
After that is seems to run fine.

$50 lighter in the wallet but it seems to solve the problem. Hope this helps.


I got handed off to another Microsoft WMDC specialist. He was not able to
find the problem either. We went round and round. He also closed it as
unresolvable. Maybe if enough people have problems and let Microsoft know,
it will get worked out.

db, I used the Palm version of Chapura's software for years. The best
investment I ever made. They make very good software. I haven't tried their
new version of the PPC yet. I invested money into Pocket Informant which has
no syncing capabilities by itself like Chapura does. I would highly
recommend them to you.

Do you use the built in PIM to view contacts, tasks, etc or do you us
another third party or PocketMirror Professional only? Just curious if I
could use Chapura's software in conjunction with Pocket Informant.

I may get mad enough to have my IT guys take my laptop and start over from
scratch with XP Pro. I know I didn't have a problem with that.