Task management database



Does anyone know of an Access app designed for use as a task manager?

I have been creating several small Access DB apps for my boss. And he keeps
giving me more to do. He impresses easily. I am not a designer or programmer.
I just play around with Access until I get something that is useful. My
company used to be on Exchange Server and used Task Management in Outlook,
this worked well. Before that, we were on Lotus Notes, this worked really
well. Today we use wet blankets and small fires to send signals to each
other. You may be wondering why we have been sliding backwards lately, we
keep getting sold to less and less sophisticated (technology speaking)
companies. Here are some facts

My Industry: OEM manufacturer of construction equipment
My group: Standards and Methods, we take the design from Engineering and
create the BOM and routing for the shop.
Group Size: 30
The one thing we cannot do today: See everyone who has been assigned a task
in a project and the status of that task.

I want thank everyone in advance for your help. This site has been a godsend
for me.

Jeff Boyce


This sounds like what you can use Microsoft Project (or some other project
managment software) to do. Do you really want to reinvent?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Yes, unfortunately I do. IT is in Texas and getting approval for software is

Jeff Boyce


What do you already have laid out as entities/relationships?

Have you searched for templates at Microsoft.com or via search engines?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Randy Shelley


What do you already have laid out as entities/relationships?

Have you searched for templates at Microsoft.com or via search engines?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

I might have a solution for you. It is not based on access but was
developed because of the same reasons you had mentioned. I will allow
to do everything you had mentioned and much, much, more. Take a look
at http://RSProjectManager.com
It has a demo account that allows you to look around w/o registering
your email. I am currently charging $7/user/month. If you are
interested, I can give reduced group rates.

Good luck in your search,


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