Tabs & Viewing All Records



I have two forms - frmRecipes and subRecipesAll. In the frmRecipes, I used
the tab tool to create two tabs on the form. The first tab shows each
individual recipe with all the fields in the tblRecipes reflected. The second
tab is (supposed) to be the subRecipesAll, which is a form I created in a
continuous format so that all recipes show up as individual "rows". If I open
the subRecipesAll form on its own, then it correctly shows all recipes, one
per line, with the selected fields showing on that corresponding line. If I
drag & drop the subRecipesAll form into the second tab of the frmRecipes,
though, it seems to be filtering and only showing the record that corresponds
to the record showing on tab one. I hope that makes sense. Any advice on how
I can make ALL the records show up on the second tab like it does when I open
it on its own?

Rob Parker

Your subform is working as a subform is designed to - it's showing all the
related records for the current record in the main form. If you want it to
show all the records in its recordsource, you need to break the link(s)
between the form and subform. In the Data tab of the properties sheet for
the subform control, remove the entries for Link Child Fields and Link
Master Fields.



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