Tables and Relationships Help!




I have three tables that aren't talking to each other!

tblEmployees: EmployeeID (pk/autonumber), FName, LName, StAddress,
etc. Also has JobID (fk) and PayID (fk)

tblJobs: JobID(pk/autonumber), JobTitle, JobCode, JobShortName,etc.

tblPay: PayID (pk/autonumber), PayGrade, OTRate,RegRate, etc.


One (JobID in tblJobs) to Many (JobID in tblEmployees). Enforce ref
int/ cascade (x2), join type 1
One (PayID in tblPay) to Many (PayID in tblEmployees). Enforce ref
int/ cascade (x2), join type 1


1) When I run a query that uses LName (from tblEMployees) and
JobShortName (from tblJobs), the query comes back as blank. When I try
to run any query that uses 2 or more tables, it comes up blank. When I
run a query using the fields of just one table, it works fine.

2) I know that there should be a way that the tables "hold" the
relationships, so that if I look at a row in tblEmployees, there
should be a number in the JobID field (coming from tblJObs) and a
number in the PayID field (coming from tblPay). Yet, in the
tblEmployees, those columns are blank.

3) I even tried to set up an intermediate table to just show the
relationships (contains just PayID, JobID, and EmployeeID) and that
still didn't work to allow the queries in Question #1.

Alot of words, but essentially, I have 3 different tables that are
each autonumbering like crazy, but don't have
any table columns that are capturing those relations. I also can't do
queries on 2 or more tables.

This is a basic setup problem, but it is driving me bonkers! Hop
efully, there is just some box I need to check somewhere that will
clear all this up.

Any help appreciated!





If your foreign keys are blank, obviously the joins wont work. Look at how
these tables are being populated.
The table definitions and relationships sound ok.




Apologies if I am insulting your intelligence, but this sounds like
something I screw up every now and again. When you have a foreign key in a
relationship with an autonumber, you need to use long integer, not
autonumber, as the data type for the foreign key.



Nope...I checked the Long Integer-thing, but that wasn't it.

I need some help Barney-style with this. I am missing something basic
and it is kicking my a--.

I have a new business. It has 10 different job positions. I know those
in advance so I design a tblJob.

The fields are JobID (autonumber/pk), and JobTitle (text).Using that
table, I type in the 10 job titles (Job1,Job2, etc.) into the JobTitle
field. The AutoNumber numbers those 1-10.

I know that I will have employees, so I create a tblEmployees with
fields EmployeeID(pk/autonumber), LastName (text), and JobID (long
integer number/FK from tblJob.)

I set up the relationship as one (JobID from tblJob) to many (JobID in
tblEMployees) because many employees could have the same one job. I
also enforce ref int (for every job, there has to be an employee who
has it), and cascade update (if a job title gets renamed, the rename
will be reflected by all the associated employees).

Now, I start bringing in the employees. What I would like to do is
have a form where I can a) type in the name of the employee (Smith)
and then b) select their job from a dropdown (Job 8). I then should be
able to go back a table and see that relationship (that Smith has Job
8,or at least the record numbers for those in 2 columns)

1) I can't seem to set up the form for this. Since I am typing data
into one table, and using a dropdown from another table, it doesn't
seem to work right.

2) When I type in "Smith", it goes in the tblEmployees in the LastName
field with Autonumber 1. When select Job 8, where does that value get
stored? Where does the Smith-to-Job8 relationship get stored?

3) Why would you ever base a form on a query? Don't you use forms to
display and input data INTO a table, and queries to extract/view (but
not input) data FROM a table???

I am using all the information I get! Thanks!



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