Table row criteria combination sort out



Hello all,

I don't know if there is an easy way to do what I'm gonna explain. But I
really need this, because if I dont find an automated way its gonna take ages

Lets put it like this:

Table config
It's a double entry table

X axis are the criteria of houses (ex: 1 bedroom, 2 toilets, basment, etc
in total there are 52 criteria)

Y axis are the houses name (in total there are more than 200)

So if for example HOUSE X has one bedroom , there will be a YES under the "1
bedroom" criteria, and so on for the 52 criterias


What need to be done:
I need to know which are the most common combinations of criterias for all
the inputted Houses.

For example 40 houses have : 1 bedroom, 1 toilet, 2 fridges and a kitchen

That's it actually.

I guess I would have to predefine which combination of criteria the programm
has to check as it would involve some IA otherwise....


I have a similar problem. Column A is a list of 160 names. The next 35
columns (B1:AJ1) are shifts worked, five shifts a day for seven days, Mon1,
Mon2, ……Sun5. Some people do one shift and some do several. I have to match
new recruits to suitable mentors on this list.

My solution works a bit :)

1. Make a list elsewhere in a reverse binary format i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,
ect. Up to 52 places (your criteria). Mine is 35. Name this range “Binaryâ€

2. Change every instance of “yes†in your criteria to number 1.

3. Make a new column at the end of your criteria, if your criteria headings
are B1:BA1, then in BB1 Type “Orderâ€.

4. In BB2 type the formula, = SUM(B2:BA2*Binary) and enter as an array
formula. (ctl.+ shift + enter). Copy this range down.

5. Sort the your table on the column “Orderâ€

I hope somebody can come along and improve on this.

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