Table or Update Query??


Jan Il

Hi all - Access 2002 XP - Windows ME

I am trying to create a check registry db and I have two tables at the
moment. one with the account activity, and one with the expense

I am trying to set up the data entry form, and I I am not sure if I should
base the form on the table, or create an update query to record the expense
and deposit entries.

Here is the query I now have, and it is not returning the proper balance
results. I think I know why, but, not sure. I have tried . I am also not
sure if this should be an update query to use with the data entry form for
update the table the tblExpenseRegister.

SELECT tblExpenseRegister.CheckNo, tblExpenseRegister.ActionDate,
tblExpenseRegister.TransactionDisc, tblExpenseRegister.CheckAmt,
tblExpenseRegister.DepositAmt, Sum([CheckAmt]-[DepositAmt]) AS Balance,
FROM tblExpenseRegister INNER JOIN tblAccountType ON
tblExpenseRegister.CheckNo = tblAccountType.CheckNo
GROUP BY tblExpenseRegister.CheckNo, tblExpenseRegister.ActionDate,
tblExpenseRegister.TransactionDisc, tblExpenseRegister.CheckAmt,
tblExpenseRegister.DepositAmt, tblAccountType.AccountType
ORDER BY tblExpenseRegister.ActionDate;

I would truly appreciate it very much if someone would let me know which
would be the best query to use, and I can work more from there. I don't
really think it is good to deal directly with the table, so, I was thinking
of an update query. But, I'm a novice, and this is my first time with this
type of recording. So, I am just checking first, so to speak.

Best regards,
Jan :)


Just couple of points:

1/ Never base a form on the main table - always base it on a query (even if
it's just the same fields) - Reason - you'll find out down the road there is
something you need to tweak and it's a sinch with a query, whereas the main
table is pretty well carved in stone

2/ you dont need to create an update query to update your main table - any
updates you make via the form (in turn via the query) will update your main

Jan Il

Hi Jethro!
-----Original Message-----
Just couple of points:

1/ Never base a form on the main table - always base it on a query (even if
it's just the same fields) - Reason - you'll find out down the road there is
something you need to tweak and it's a sinch with a query, whereas the main
table is pretty well carved in stone

2/ you dont need to create an update query to update your main table - any
updates you make via the form (in turn via the query) will update your main

I wasn't sure about the update query for this type of
function. I appreciate your clearing that up for me, and
for the information on the entry form.

Thank you very much for your time and assistance, I truly
appreciate it.

Jan :)
Jan Il said:
Hi all - Access 2002 XP - Windows ME

I am trying to create a check registry db and I have two tables at the
moment. one with the account activity, and one with the expense

I am trying to set up the data entry form, and I I am not sure if I should
base the form on the table, or create an update query
to record the
and deposit entries.

Here is the query I now have, and it is not returning the proper balance
results. I think I know why, but, not sure. I have tried . I am also not
sure if this should be an update query to use with the data entry form for
update the table the tblExpenseRegister.

SELECT tblExpenseRegister.CheckNo, tblExpenseRegister.ActionDate,
tblExpenseRegister.TransactionDisc, tblExpenseRegister.CheckAmt,
tblExpenseRegister.DepositAmt, Sum([CheckAmt]- [DepositAmt]) AS Balance,
FROM tblExpenseRegister INNER JOIN tblAccountType ON
tblExpenseRegister.CheckNo = tblAccountType.CheckNo
GROUP BY tblExpenseRegister.CheckNo, tblExpenseRegister.ActionDate,
tblExpenseRegister.TransactionDisc, tblExpenseRegister.CheckAmt,
tblExpenseRegister.DepositAmt, tblAccountType.AccountType
ORDER BY tblExpenseRegister.ActionDate;

I would truly appreciate it very much if someone would let me know which
would be the best query to use, and I can work more from there. I don't
really think it is good to deal directly with the
table, so, I was
of an update query. But, I'm a novice, and this is my
first time with
type of recording. So, I am just checking first, so to speak.

Best regards,
Jan :)


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