Table not updated with a form calculation


Douglas J Steele

There's no reason to store the calculated result, since you can recalculate
it whenever you need to.

As fellow Access MVP John Vinson likes to say "Storing calculated data
generally accomplishes only three things: it wastes disk space, it wastes
time (a disk fetch is much slower than almost any reasonable calculation),
and it risks data validity, since once it's stored in a table either the
Total or one of the fields that goes into the total may be changed, making
the value WRONG."

It's also actually a violation of database normalization principles.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

odie123 said:
I have a problem with a form calculated field that will not update the
answer of that calculation to the relevant field in the table.
On the form I have three text boxes Bank, Actual Bank,Diffrence.
The calculation is as follows on the diff field: Actual bank - Bank=
diffrence where the answer is in the diffrence field[formula].The main table
does not update withe the answer.


I have a problem with a form calculated field that will not update the answer of that calculation to the relevant field in the table.
On the form I have three text boxes Bank, Actual Bank,Diffrence.
The calculation is as follows on the diff field: Actual bank - Bank= diffrence where the answer is in the diffrence field[formula].The main table does not update withe the answer.
Can someone please assist



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