Table lookup and more...



Somewhat of a newbie with excel and here is my problem, will be hard to

I need to look to see if a value is in a table and if it is, set a cell
in another worksheet equal to a value that is in the same row but in a
different (absolut) column as the search term. I have attached a
simple example of what i am trying to do. I of course typed in what
the results should be.

Thank you for any help.

Attachment filename: excel help.xls
Download attachment:


Rollin_11 > said:
Somewhat of a newbie with excel and here is my problem, will be hard to

I need to look to see if a value is in a table and if it is, set a cell
in another worksheet equal to a value that is in the same row but in a
different (absolut) column as the search term. I have attached a
simple example of what i am trying to do. I of course typed in what
the results should be.

Thank you for any help.

Attachment filename: excel help.xls
Download attachment:

I (like many others) do not open attachments. However, VLOOKUP is probably
the function you want.

For example,
will take the value in A1 and look it up in the first column of the range
(i.e. in Sheet2!B1:B99). If it finds a match, it will return the
corresponding value from the 3rd column of the range (i.e. Sheet2!D1:D99);
it not, it will return #N/A. The final parameter (0, or FALSE) means that
you require an exact match and also allows the data in the lookup range to
be in any order.
For full details, type VLOOKUP into Help.


Ok, I understand why you wouldn't want to open an attachment.

VLOOKUP would be nice if the data was in a single colum, bu
unfortunately it is not. The data is in an array or range, for exampl
A1:E5. Then there is an empty column and another set of data G1:G5.
On another spreadsheet I have a listing of all the data (something lik
A1:A25 for this example). The information from G1:G5 must be placed o
the second spreadsheet next to the corresponding data from A1:A25.
So...what I want to do is look in the range A1:E5 on the 1st sheet tha
matches the data on the 2nd sheet and copy info from G1:G5 (1st sheet
to B1:B25 (2nd sheet). The attachment would help to see it, but
understand your reserve

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