Table design?



Warning: newbie

I'm trying to design a table around a dlookup statement I have.
I'm having trouble putting it all together.

strName = Forms!login1.Login 'a selected name at login from dropdown
strPassword = Me![Password]

If StrComp(Nz(DLookup("[Password]", "UserDef", "User_Name ='" & strName &
"'"), ""), strPassword, 0) = 0 Then

If I understand this, I need a field called Password in Table UserDef ...
after that I'm lost.
Where do I put my criteria?
Please give absurdly detailed answer.

Rick B

Ummmmmm. As discussed yesterday, why are you trying to create security from
scratch by building tables, code and forms, when there is a built-in
security system that ships with Access?

Rather than spend hours building a security system that can be easily gotten
around, why not use the "semi-secure" User-Level Security that comes with
Access. It is NOT perfect, but does a pretty fair job of securing your

Continuing down your path, what prevents the user from simply looking at
your table and getting everyone's password? What keeps them from just
looking at (or changing) your data directly in the table? What prevents
them from accidentally creating a Delete Query and wiping out all your


The people that work here are out in the field. The only access they have
will be a web page that accesses the login page. Nobody here knows what I
know about access and I know very little. This isn't security as much as it
is preventive maintanace. Everyone who fills in a timesheet will fill in
there own by providing a password to uniquely identify that person.

Besides, my Access is missing so much stuff that really, this is my only
solution. I try to install this, it can't find the required files, I try and
install that, same thing. I even have the CD's. Since this is a Dell
computer, and the version of MS Office I have is OEM, I get the run around
between MS and Dell. This takes much less time and frustration. Picking my
battles ya know. ;)

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Promote hydrogen - one of the best "clean" fuels there are!

Rick B said:
Ummmmmm. As discussed yesterday, why are you trying to create security from
scratch by building tables, code and forms, when there is a built-in
security system that ships with Access?

Rather than spend hours building a security system that can be easily gotten
around, why not use the "semi-secure" User-Level Security that comes with
Access. It is NOT perfect, but does a pretty fair job of securing your

Continuing down your path, what prevents the user from simply looking at
your table and getting everyone's password? What keeps them from just
looking at (or changing) your data directly in the table? What prevents
them from accidentally creating a Delete Query and wiping out all your

Rick B

jsc3489 said:
Warning: newbie

I'm trying to design a table around a dlookup statement I have.
I'm having trouble putting it all together.

strName = Forms!login1.Login 'a selected name at login from
strPassword = Me![Password]

If StrComp(Nz(DLookup("[Password]", "UserDef", "User_Name ='" & strName &
"'"), ""), strPassword, 0) = 0 Then

If I understand this, I need a field called Password in Table UserDef ...
after that I'm lost.
Where do I put my criteria?
Please give absurdly detailed answer.



Have I stumped the best of the best???

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Promote hydrogen - one of the best "clean" fuels there are!

jsc3489 said:
The people that work here are out in the field. The only access they have
will be a web page that accesses the login page. Nobody here knows what I
know about access and I know very little. This isn't security as much as it
is preventive maintanace. Everyone who fills in a timesheet will fill in
there own by providing a password to uniquely identify that person.

Besides, my Access is missing so much stuff that really, this is my only
solution. I try to install this, it can't find the required files, I try and
install that, same thing. I even have the CD's. Since this is a Dell
computer, and the version of MS Office I have is OEM, I get the run around
between MS and Dell. This takes much less time and frustration. Picking my
battles ya know. ;)

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Promote hydrogen - one of the best "clean" fuels there are!

Rick B said:
Ummmmmm. As discussed yesterday, why are you trying to create security from
scratch by building tables, code and forms, when there is a built-in
security system that ships with Access?

Rather than spend hours building a security system that can be easily gotten
around, why not use the "semi-secure" User-Level Security that comes with
Access. It is NOT perfect, but does a pretty fair job of securing your

Continuing down your path, what prevents the user from simply looking at
your table and getting everyone's password? What keeps them from just
looking at (or changing) your data directly in the table? What prevents
them from accidentally creating a Delete Query and wiping out all your

Rick B

jsc3489 said:
Warning: newbie

I'm trying to design a table around a dlookup statement I have.
I'm having trouble putting it all together.

strName = Forms!login1.Login 'a selected name at login from
strPassword = Me![Password]

If StrComp(Nz(DLookup("[Password]", "UserDef", "User_Name ='" & strName &
"'"), ""), strPassword, 0) = 0 Then

If I understand this, I need a field called Password in Table UserDef ...
after that I'm lost.
Where do I put my criteria?
Please give absurdly detailed answer.

Rob Oldfield

To fit your code, you need a table called UserDef with two fields: User_Name
and Password. That's pretty much it. The criteria is already in the
dlookup as "User_Name ='" & strName & "'" which will grab the variable
strName from the combo and turn that into a string along the lines of

Out of interest, how are you planning to publish an Access form onto the


I'm not publishing access to the web, I'm going to have shortcuts on the
employee's laptops to the form across our VPN, if that'll work. I have been
redirected for the time being, and am now on the task of building a forecast
report for our technicians.

happy happy joy joy
I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Promote hydrogen - one of the best "clean" fuels there are!

Rob Oldfield said:
To fit your code, you need a table called UserDef with two fields: User_Name
and Password. That's pretty much it. The criteria is already in the
dlookup as "User_Name ='" & strName & "'" which will grab the variable
strName from the combo and turn that into a string along the lines of

Out of interest, how are you planning to publish an Access form onto the

jsc3489 said:
Warning: newbie

I'm trying to design a table around a dlookup statement I have.
I'm having trouble putting it all together.

strName = Forms!login1.Login 'a selected name at login from dropdown
strPassword = Me![Password]

If StrComp(Nz(DLookup("[Password]", "UserDef", "User_Name ='" & strName &
"'"), ""), strPassword, 0) = 0 Then

If I understand this, I need a field called Password in Table UserDef ...
after that I'm lost.
Where do I put my criteria?
Please give absurdly detailed answer.

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