Table Analyzer



I am keystroking the Element K Courseware books and have just run the Table
Analyzer on a table.

Some of the tables now have fields with Lookups that have information from
two fields in them, i.e., in the field it says "tents, 49.99" which would
take the information from two fields and put it together in one field,
separated by a comma.

Is there a point or reason to this? How does this kind of combined field
help me with anything? If I continued using this table, would I have to keep
entering this combined information?

Prehaps there is a point that eludes me, but I'm baffled!


Larry Daugherty

Lookup fields are an abomination! Your best bet is to never use them.
That being said, don't waste your time analyzing them. One of the
rules of relational databases is that a field should be "atomic", that
is it should contain data from only one domain. The example you gave
contains data from two domains: object type and it's price.

I suggest that you visit www.mvps.ort/access and trust everything you
find there over and above anything you are getting from your "K"
source. In particular, read the 10 Commandments.


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