tabbed form each tab shows the entry from a field from the a table



I have a personal kennel program. At the moment I have a form with the
Clients info & a sub form with each of the dog's info. I have the sub form
set up as a single form view with each of the dog's information shown.

Question: Is there a way that I can make a form that shows the client info
AND have a tabbed form with each tab shows each dog? I have a table called
Dogs. In that table I have a field called DogName with (lets say) Rover,
Jake, Sam, etc.

I want a tabbed field with Tab 1 showing Rover's info.

Now if a client has 2 dogs (Jake & Sam), then tab 1 will show Jake & Tab 2
will show Sam.

Is there a way to do this? What the thinking behind building a tabbed form
like this?

Jeff Boyce

Aside from the difficult coding you will need to do to get the form to
dynamically decide how many tabs to use, have you given thought to the
extreme condition? If someone has 37 dogs, do you really want to try to
show that many tab pages on a form?

Another approach might be to use a main form for the client, a combo box to
list all the dogs, and a single subform to list all the dog-info for the ONE
dog selected from the combo box.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP



Perhaps a more flexable approach to your situation might be to have a
Listbox in your subform that would display all of the pets for a peticualr
client. Then when one pet was selected, you would simply display the info
for the selected pet in your form. This way you can have as many pets (dogs)
as you want, and all will be displayed in the listbox you do not have the
limitations that you would have with the tab approach.


Mr B
email if needed to:
draccess at askdoctoraccess dot com


I can understand what you are talking about with the coding & I was thinking
that it was not going to be simple to do. I have learned so much about
Access, but I think I will stick to the list box or the approach I have at
the moment.

The tabbed idea will be a good challange in the future.

Thank you for ya'll insite.


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