Tab Index Order, Setting With VBA



The code below is supposed to assign control tab index order.
However, it bugs out in the FOR loop of the sub
SetTabsInPhoneBookOrder: 'Run-time error 2184: The value you used
the TabIndex property isn't valid. The correct values are from 0
through 9. I don't recall where I got the code and the author did
include his email address. I've search for his name and searched for
ways to assign tabindex via VBA (Access 2002), without luck. Any
would be appreciated.

Thanks for looking,

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Const CACHE_SIZE = 50

Sub CachingSyntax()
Dim rst As Recordset, lngCacheSize As Long

With rst
.CacheSize = CACHE_SIZE
Do While Not .EOF
'processing here
lngCacheSize = lngCacheSize + 1
If lngCacheSize Mod CACHE_SIZE = 0 Then
.CacheStart = .Bookmark
End If
End With

End Sub

Sub SetTabsInPhoneBookOrder(frmName As String, Optional varPageName
'by CRW @ DSW 092302
'uses 3 column array of |name|left|top| to set tab order of controls
on form or tab on form
'sorts controls by left then by top and assigns control's tabstop to
Nth position in array
Dim ctl As Control, i As Integer, j As Integer, fChanged As Boolean,
strName As String, dblLeft As Double, dblTop As Double

ReDim avarCtls(3, 0)
DoCmd.OpenForm frmName, acDesign
'load tab-able ctls to array
If IsMissing(varPageName) Then
For Each ctl In Forms(frmName)
If HasProperty(ctl, "TabIndex") Then
i = UBound(avarCtls, 2)
ReDim Preserve avarCtls(3, i + 1)
avarCtls(1, i + 1) = ctl.Name
avarCtls(2, i + 1) = ctl.Left
avarCtls(3, i + 1) = ctl.Top
End If
Next ctl
For Each ctl In Forms(frmName).Controls(varPageName).Controls
If HasProperty(ctl, "TabIndex") Then
i = UBound(avarCtls, 2)
ReDim Preserve avarCtls(3, i + 1)
avarCtls(1, i + 1) = ctl.Name
avarCtls(2, i + 1) = ctl.Left
avarCtls(3, i + 1) = ctl.Top
End If
Next ctl
End If

'bubble sort array in left / top order
fChanged = False
For i = 1 To (UBound(avarCtls, 2) - 1) 'don't try this on the
control as there will be no i+1 control
If avarCtls(2, i) > avarCtls(2, i + 1) Then
'control(i) is right of control(i+1) - switch the values in
the rows
strName = avarCtls(1, i)
dblLeft = avarCtls(2, i)
dblTop = avarCtls(3, i)
avarCtls(1, i) = avarCtls(1, i + 1)
avarCtls(2, i) = avarCtls(2, i + 1)
avarCtls(3, i) = avarCtls(3, i + 1)
avarCtls(1, i + 1) = strName
avarCtls(2, i + 1) = dblLeft
avarCtls(3, i + 1) = dblTop
'a bubble moved
fChanged = True
ElseIf avarCtls(2, i) = avarCtls(2, i + 1) Then
If avarCtls(3, i) > avarCtls(3, i + 1) Then
'control(i) is lower than control(i+1) - switch the values
in the rows
strName = avarCtls(1, i)
dblLeft = avarCtls(2, i)
dblTop = avarCtls(3, i)
avarCtls(1, i) = avarCtls(1, i + 1)
avarCtls(2, i) = avarCtls(2, i + 1)
avarCtls(3, i) = avarCtls(3, i + 1)
avarCtls(1, i + 1) = strName
avarCtls(2, i + 1) = dblLeft
avarCtls(3, i + 1) = dblTop
'a bubble moved
fChanged = True
End If
End If
Next i
Loop Until fChanged = False

'assign the tab orders
For i = UBound(avarCtls, 2) To 1 Step -1
Debug.Print avarCtls(1, i) & Space(8) & avarCtls(2, i) & Space(8)
avarCtls(3, i)
Forms(frmName).Controls(avarCtls(1, i)).TabIndex = i - 1
Next i

End Sub

Function HasProperty(pobj As Object, pstrName As String) As Boolean
'Written by: Christopher Weber @ the DSW Group
'Purpose: returns true if pobj has a property with pstrName name
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim strProperty As String

strProperty = pobj.Properties(pstrName).Name
HasProperty = True

Exit Function

HasProperty = False
Resume Exit_Here

End Function

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