System32 Folder opens after I boot



I have a problem with a DELL system, running XP, and the System32 folder opens after I open my account. I have looked at M/S KB and I found the description of the message and what they recommended for resolution, but I do not see the cause that they reder to in my registry. Something about unmatched quotes("). Is there another cause for this folder to be openning and what can I try. Any help would be appreciated.


----- Haywood wrote: ----

I have a problem with a DELL system, running XP, and the System32 folder opens after I open my account. I have looked at M/S KB and I found the description of the message and what they recommended for resolution, but I do not see the cause that they reder to in my registry. Something about unmatched quotes("). Is there another cause for this folder to be openning and what can I try. Any help would be appreciated.

I have the same problem. I just purchased a Dell 8300. After I log on the System32 folder appears. I know litt
about computers, and I thought that was normal. I also get an error message that my McAfee "Active Shield" i
missing components or there was a faulty installation. Also, my "System Restore" does not work. Any suggestions


I don't have one for the System32 yet, except that it apparently happens to many, many owners. I have been on a number of sites and found the same occurance. As for the others, McAfee is supposedly preloaded, as is everything else on a Dell 8300. However, McAfee is only a trial version, you have to register it, and buy it if you want the updates and all the bells and whistles. That is what happened to my daughter's PC, she has an 8300 and she thought she was running Anti-Virus protection because the icon showed up in her tray. I trashed the McAfee and loaded Norton 2004 for her. That way, I know she is getting updates, automatically, installed and running. I Trust it. Why are you doing a "System Restore?" If you just got it, do you really need to restore. What are you restoring? Have you already made a backup to restore from? First thing is "don't panic." Swallow your pride and embarassment and get someone close to you to help you. Most of the problems people have is that they panic and start doing things to compound the situation. Take a deep breath and ask for help, you'll be glad you did. I did, a number of times.

Lance Joiner

Try the fix at this link..

Haywood said:
I have a problem with a DELL system, running XP, and the System32 folder
opens after I open my account. I have looked at M/S KB and I found the
description of the message and what they recommended for resolution, but I
do not see the cause that they reder to in my registry. Something about
unmatched quotes("). Is there another cause for this folder to be openning
and what can I try. Any help would be appreciated.

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