system32 error message



When I logon i receive the following
message "windows\system32\autoexec.nt is not suitable for
running MSDOS and Microsoft Windows applications". Using
XP operating system. Message is recent after installation
of software downloaded from the internet. Could the
autoexec.nt file have been replaced by an older file?


-----Original Message-----
When I logon i receive the following
message "windows\system32\autoexec.nt is not suitable for
running MSDOS and Microsoft Windows applications". Using
XP operating system. Message is recent after installation
of software downloaded from the internet. Could the
autoexec.nt file have been replaced by an older file?
I get the same message. Has anyone figured it out?


Thanks for your help. I'm not very good on computers. I
get all the way down to #15 but I can't find the %
SYSTEMROOT%/system 32 folder on my machine. Where should
I look? I've tried a search and it comes up empty.

Will Denny


%systemroot% is the Windows folder. So you'll be looking for the
windows/system32 folder.


I found that the the Autoexec.nt file was being deleted by a program called
Windupdate.exe. Not to be confused with Winupdate.exe. You will find it in
Program Files\Windupdate folder. Delete that folder and any registry key with
windupdate in it. Then expand the Autoexec.nt to your system32 folder and
your problem will be gone. We found the problem using the Audit command that
said that Windupdate.exe was deleting the file on sign in after a boot.



Ok everyone says this however there is no %systemroot% file in my system 32!!
I also have done search and still can't find it!! Please help!


I also had the same problem. I downloaded the xp fix, and it fixed my
problem, but everytime I restart my computer, the problem is back, the
autoexec.nt file is missing again. I have to do the fix again. What could
be deleting this file every time I restart? I do a search, and can not find
any windupdate file. Help?


marshur said:
I also had the same problem. I downloaded the xp fix, and it fixed my
problem, but everytime I restart my computer, the problem is back, the
autoexec.nt file is missing again. I have to do the fix again. What
be deleting this file every time I restart? I do a search, and can
not find
any windupdate file. Help?
See my answer to your first post. Search on your name.


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