System::Windows::Forms::WebBrowser and IHTMLDocument2


A Wieser

I'm trying to create a browser control in edit mode with VS 2005 using C++.

I've added the WebBrowser Control to my form as webBrowser1.

However, I can't seem to get to an IHTMLDocument2 so that I can switch
designMode on.
I try this, but get an exception.

mshtml::IHTMLDocument2 ^doc;
Object ^boxDoc = this->webBrowser1->Document;
doc = (mshtml::IHTMLDocument2 ^)boxDoc; // exception thrown here!
doc->designMode = "On";

An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in

Additional information: Unable to cast object of type
'System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument' to type 'mshtml.IHTMLDocument2'.

Any suggestions on how to do this?



Hello A,

You can't really cast it as webBrowser doesn't implement mshtml.IHTMLDocument2.
You can use reflection to do that.

It should look like

Type ^type;
PropertyInfo ^propertyInfo;
type = Webbrowser.Document.DomDocument.GetType();
propertyInfo = Type.GetProperty("designMode");
propertyInfo.SetValue(base.Document.DomDocument, "On", null);


Hello A,


Type ^type;
PropertyInfo ^propertyInfo;
type = this->webBrowser1->Document->DomDocument->GetType();
propertyInfo = type->GetProperty("designMode"); // is null
propertyInfo->SetValue(base.Document.DomDocument, "On", null);

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