System.web.mail truncating message body - strange behaviour ??


Jitesh Sinha


I am running Windows 2003/ IIS 6.0. I was stuck with rather a abnormal
behaviour of System.Web.mail class. It was truncating the message body
after 3,071 character. The code i was testing was:

Import Namespace="System.Web.Mail"
Dim aa as new StringBuilder(600010)
Dim i as Integer

For i = 1 to 60000
aa = aa.Append("a")

aa = aa.Append("end")

Dim objMailMessage As New MailMessage
objMailMessage = New MailMessage
'send mail
With objMailMessage
.To = "(e-mail address removed)"
.From = "(e-mail address removed)"
.Subject = "Test Webmail"
.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Text
.Body = len(aa.Tostring()) & "--" & aa.Tostring()
End With

response.write (err.description)

response.write ("<br><br>" & aa.Tostring() & "<br>end<br>")

I modified the settings of IIS SMPT and removed all the constraints. I
also checked with my incoming POP server. I checked with Classic ASP
and everything work fine.

I even tried setting the BodyEncoding property of the mailMessage
object to different options but to no avail.

I just inserted CHR(10) at the position where it was truncating and IT

I still could not figure out the logical reason behind it. Anyone here
could throw some light on it ??

Jitesh Sinha

Munsifali Rashid

I've had a similar problem with textboxes on windows forms, using the
AppendText method. Text would get truncated after 3000 something
characters. I managed to get around this by appending the Text property -
i.e. using textBox1.Text += "Some Text" as opposed to
textBox1.AppendText("Some Text"). It's a less efficient way to do things,
but it stopped the strings from being truncated.

It appears that the StringBuilder class has a similar problem...


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