System very slow - Unavailable RAM (?)



I think I have picked up a virus? I noted mu computer was going very slow and having trouble playing DVDs/Movie. I checked the system info and it says that although I have 256 RAM, just 43MB is Available Physical Memory.. is this my problem and can anyone help/suggest help??


-----Original Message-----
I think I have picked up a virus? I noted mu computer
was going very slow and having trouble playing
DVDs/Movie. I checked the system info and it says that
although I have 256 RAM, just 43MB is Available Physical
Memory.. is this my problem and can anyone help/suggest
256MB is good,but more ram is better,512MB is
recomended,you may also want to adjust your virtual
by .......................................................
start--control panel--performance and maintenance,click
the system icon--click advance tab--under performance
click settings--click the advance tab on that--under
virtual memory click change--check circle next to system
managed size,after you highlighted the drive at top,if
you have more than one,do them all like this--click OK--
OK--OK--Click restart for changes to take effect button.


many thanbks for your input so far. However, the problem i have has just emerged almost overnight. Notably DVD and movie playing is skipping.. and things are taking ages to happen. As I say, is it right that its coming up with 43MB available?? Everyything was fine before this now the easiest of tasks are taking time. Should i rebuild? I know I need to upgrade but it thne suddeness of the problem that worries me.

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