system variable representing object or subroutine name?


Mike Cooper


I am trying to write code that accesses the .LinkedCell property of a
checkbox, from the checkbox_Click subroutine of the checkbox.
That is easy enough:

Sub IssueABox01_Click()
SomeVariable = IssueABox01.LinkedCell

(Where IssueABox01 is the name of my checkbox.)

Here is my challenge. I have 105 checkboxes and I would to create
uniform code so I don't have to customize that code 105 times! What I
need is some kind of default system variable that I can replace
"IssueABox01" with in the second line above; a label or variable that
represents the title of a subroutine (I can edit out the "_Click"
after that. Or else the equivalent of the "Me" form variable for a
currently selected object. I am new to VBA, but intuitively it just
seems like such a variable has to exist. I mean we're "in" the
subroutine right? So excel must "know" it's name!

Can anyone out there tell me if such a variable, and if so, what it
is. My books don't reference one, but then they are very basic.

Thank you,
Mike Cooper


Hi Mike,
You can try this. It may help, but be aware you may need a worksheet change

Sub test()
Dim Ctrl As MSForms.Control, i As Long, MyCell(105)
For Each Ctrl In UserForm1.Controls '************change to worksheet

If TypeOf Ctrl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
i = i + 1
'Debug.Print "Checkbox", Ctrl.Name
MyCell(i) = Ctrl.LinkedCell
End If
Next Ctrl

End Sub

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